LL - Return & Refund Rules (DML,SCS,VFI,RME)

Refund & Return Guidelines

When to send Return Instructions - When to Refund 

Our goal is to reclaim as many unopened & useable products as we can (up to 1 year from purchase).

First, be familiar with our Return Instructions - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DG74LXqbMIdKrBtZZJjgWH37RolKb1Tdvzl00gw5za4/edit?usp=sharing

Understand our return policy: 

  • To claim a refund via our 365-day guarantee we ask the customer to return the remaining un-opened product in exchange for a full refund. 
  • Since we provide free shipping upfront the customer is responsible to pay for the cost of returning their remaining items. 
  • Once the customer returns their package and sends us the return tracking number for their return we will promptly process an immediate refund for their entire order.  
  • If the customer returns the product directly to our warehouse and does not provide the return tracking number to us, their refund will be issued once their items are received and processed by our warehouse (this can take 14-21 days).
  • If the customer notifies us that they have returned a package and doesn't provide a return tracking we can go ahead and issue a refund. 
  • We normally do NOT vary from our return policy however, if a customer becomes angry or agitated and refuses to return any remaining items, agents can escalate the ticket to the fulfillment team using the return label workflow so we can provide a return label. 


  • Our goal is to collect as many remaining unopened products as we can. 
  • Always look up the order in shopify/sticky/and the warehouse so you understand how many bottles they ordered. Look at the order date. If they ordered 3 bottles and it's been only 1 month - it's safe to assume they have 2 bottles remaining. Email the return instructions.
  • If you are UNSURE that the customer has any remaining unopened products, then ALWAYS email the return instructions. The only time this rule doesn't apply is IF the customer has complained of a serious adverse reaction to our product.
  • If the customer doesn't indicate if their product has been used/opened, then always assume they haven't opened it.  
  • Avoid telling the customer that if a product is "opened" they do not need to return it. Doing so may encourage them to purchase other products and say they opened them all in order to avoid returning them.0
  • If a customer indicates they have used or opened ALL of their product, we say, "Per our 365 guarantee, we are happy to issue you a refund, and I will notate your account that I did not ask you to return your opened bottles".
  • Since we have a 1-year guarantee on all Health Brands, we only ask for returns up to 1 year from purchase. If it's been more than 1 yr since the purchase, no need to ask them to return anything. 
  • We do not refund after 365 days except under  - special circumstances - like the customer had a physical illness that prevented them from asking for a refund - or they purchased during our "lifetime" guarantee time. Of course,  if this arises consult your team leader for advice.
    • 365 is calculated from the delivery date. However, if an item was on back order then we can make an exception - 1 yr from receipt of the product. Shipping delays are not the customer's fault. 
    • We prefer not to refund after 365 days but instead, offer store credit so they can try a different product (or the same one). 
    • For a time we advertised a "lifetime guarantee" and it's difficult to know who might have purchased during that time. When you are unsure, quote the 365 and if the customer brings up "lifetime" then we will honor it. 
    • Some CCs do not accept refunds after 90 or 180 days so if you are unable to refund the CC card, our Refund Team can assist with a PayPal refund. The customer will need to set up a PayPal account and we will need the email address they use to log in to that account in order to send them funds. - Note the ticket and assign to the Refund team.
  • We always encourage the customer to return their unopened product on their own, however, there are instances where they might refuse to do so. In cases where they have more than 1 unopened bottle (2 or more) you should make 2 attempts:
    • 1. Send return instructions. 
    • 2. Remind them that we do not pay for return shipping since we provide free shipping upfront. 
    • 3. If they still refuse, add the tag: "return label request" and a member of the fulfillment team will investigate if a label is appropriate and assume communication with the customer. 
  • If a customer says they've sent back the product but do not have proof that they returned the package, it's ok to make an exception and issue a refund anyway. 

What is the 1 bottle rule?

  • 1 bottle (or more) - All bottles have been Opened  / automatic full refund!
  • 1 bottle - not opened - first send return instructions - if the customer refuses to return 1 bottle, we will make an exception by issuing a full refund and let them keep the 1 bottle. 
  • More than 1 bottle  - not opened (or you aren't sure if it is opened) - always send return instructions first - the customer will let you know if they have used it all. If the customer refuses to return unopened bottles we let them know (again) that since we provide free shipping upfront, we do not pay for return shipping. 
    • If the customer refuses again, at this point we can investigate if a return label is appropriate. Don't confirm that a label will be sent to the customer - run the return label workflow in helpscout, and the ticket along with your note will be assigned to the fulfillment team.
  • Note: We do not send return instructions to international customers! please view the AU/NZ/All others return process: https://the-hero-co-ll.helpscoutdocs.com/article/2197-ll-australia-return-process

Return - Refund Guidelines: 

1. We only issue refunds when the customer ASKS for a refund. If they don't ask for a refund we assume they are seeking help in using the product so we offer troubleshooting advice.


A. There is an escalated customer service issue, then we should proactively try to save the customer. (partial refund, replacement, full refund when applicable). Always start at $10 or 10% off or a free bottle. Agents can refund up to 10-20% - for more, please seek a manager's assistance.

B. There is a serious adverse reaction - (customer is agitated or seeks medical attention) give a full refund immediately and ask for a label for the return of multiple bottles. Run the "return label " workflow.

2. When it's obvious they've used all their product and have nothing to return.

3. IF they have any amount of Un-Opened Bottles remaining---> (send return instructions and close the ticket/assign to anyone).

4. When the customer replies with the information needed for us to issue their refund - the receiving agent will run the return/refund workflow - which auto-notates and assigns the ticket to the Billings/Fulfillment to do the refund. 

Subscription Rules:

1. If a customer wants to RETURN an item that is on subscription generally they also want to cancel the subscription. Be aware that there might be circumstances where a customer wants a refund but doesn't want to cancel the entire subscription - but this is rare. In cases, where you aren't sure, go ahead and cancel the subscription and let the customer know that we can always reinstate their sub if they want to.

2. On subscriptions we only refund the individual order the customer is returning. Not all orders they have received through the subscription.


A. They ask for a Full Refund on all orders - however, this is unusual.

For example - they have a subscription for 6 bottles every 6 months - they've used 3 bottles in 3 months' time and want to return the remaining 3 bottles. 

Actions - Cancel the Sub. Send return instructions. When the customer emails us with the info needed to process the refund run the return/refund workflow in HelpScout. 

*This rule always applies to SUBS unless the customer specifically states they want to be refunded for everything. 


How long does it take for a refund to be processed once assigned to the Refund team?

  • We process refund requests in the order they are received. Most are processed within 24 hours, however, during busy times, it may take up to 72 hours for a refund to be processed. 

How long does it take for a refund to post back to the customer account AFTER we process it? 

  • After we process a refund, it typically takes 3-5 business days for it to be posted back in the customer's account, however, occasionally we have seen it take up to 10 days. The amount of time it takes to post back depends upon the customer bank's procedures. 

To cover all scenarios when we reply to a customer about their refund we should say: 

"  I'm sorry to hear that (PRODUCT) didn't meet your needs and I thank you for considering (BRAND) in your quest for (personalized your email here).

Any credits are due back to you will be applied to the card used to place your order(s). 

Refunds typically take between 3 and 10 business days to appear back in your account, depending on your card issuer’s processing times. "

Refund due to a credit card has been stolen or used fraudulently

Any legitimate sounding fraud cases indicated by a customer and also fraud cases where a banking institution or card issuer has called us with questions may be refunded after request. When a refund is requested from the customer who is claiming fraud *or* from the banking institution or card issuer requesting a refund(s), take care of them efficiently and ensure that a courtesy refund or refunds will be applied towards the account.  Always let them know it will take 3-5 business days to receive the refund(s), and ensure that a proper resolution has been given for the matter at hand. 

In addition, in sticky.io make sure to check the Fraud Box. 

The status will change in Sticky and it would show like this, with the hand down:

Sending Return Instructions - (View return instruction overview)

See these Saved replies to help you:

Adverse Reaction - Non Serious Side Effect (send return instructions)

Returns - Return Instructions -- JETPACK ONLY ORDERS

Orders - Return Instructions - STICKY - Self Service Portal

Orders - Return Instructions - SHOPIFY - ESCALS - NON SERIOUS ADVERSE RX

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