LL - Return Shipping Label Process

Customer Happiness Agent process:

*In general we DO NOT reimburse customers for postage fees, pay return shipping costs or provide free labels.*

-The reason for this is because we provide free shipping to US customers when they order. Even though we offer free shipping to the customer, we still have to pay our warehouse to ship the items.

-If a US customer changes their mind and no longer wants to use the product, we ask that they return their remaining unopened product in exchange for a full refund> Note that our policy is to reclaim as much useable inventory as we can, therefore we will always send them return instructions. They can also obtain return instructions by visiting our self service portal at help.delmarlaboratories.com or help.suncoastsciences.com or help.radiant.me. Otherwise a member of the Customer happiness team can arrange to send them return instructions.

Note: A US customer who does not meet the requirements for a FREE label to return their items, can purchase one from us under special circumstances. (See bottom section).

It is ONLY under exceptional, limited circumstances that provide a free return label (or reimburse a customer for return shipping):

1. Our Mistake: If a member of our team or warehouse makes a mistake in the order or fulfillment process, and if it makes sense financially for us to pay for it.

For example, if we sent them multiple bottles of the wrong product we would want to replace their order and reclaim the inventory we sent in error. However, if we sent them only one bottle it doesn’t make sense to pay for return shipping, therefore we’d just let them keep it. 

2. Customer becomes escalated: If the customer has already received return instructions and an explanation that we do not pay return shipping fees, and still REFUSES to return remaining unopened items at their own expense. 

  • If they have only one bottle we will not require them to return it and will process a refund.
  • If they have more than 1 bottle we will consider providing a return label in order to reclaim the inventory. 

The reason we limit it to these 2 situations is that return labels and return shipping are costly - not only do we pay a fee for the label, but we are also often charged additional return postage which can be more than what we paid to have the package shipped in the first place. Return postage fees vary depending on the weight of the package and the zone they are being shipped from. Therefore some shipping costs are much higher than others. 

  1. Serious adverse reactions: If the customer claims they had a severe reaction or are upset about the reaction they had, we generally do not ask them to return the items (just refund). If they insist on returning the items or have a large amount of bottles that are unopened (more than 10), we will provide a label.

Things you should consider before providing a return label to the customer for free:

  • The level of agitation the customer has along with the time and effort it takes the customer to return the product. 
  • What it costs us to manufacture the product - (COGS/our cost per bottle is typically less than $5 per bottle).
  • What it originally cost us to ship the product to the customer (on average $10/pkg - average means some are more and some are less).
  • The cost of the label and any return shipping fees (usually at least $10-12).

Pro-Tip: If they only want to return 1 bottle a label IS NOT approved - in this case, we'd just ask the customer to give the product to a friend and work to resolve the request (no return necessary).

Arranging for the free label to be sent to the customer:

  • Inhouse: This would be up to the receiving agent to make the decision on the label and then assign the ticket to the FC team to create the label. The FC team will send the label and email the customer instructions. This can also be done by using the return label workflow in HelpScout.
  • For our Outbound Partners: This would be up to the receiving agent to make the decision on the label and then post the request in the help channel and a member of the Customer Happiness team will assist.
    • Ask a manager for assistance if you need help determining if a free label is appropriate.
  • The receiving agent will confirm to the customer that a label will be sent.
    • Notate the REASON for the label clearly.
  • Describe why you think a label is necessary. 
  • Note if we were at fault somehow.
  • Note if the customer simply changed their mind and doesn't feel they should have to pay to return, 
    • make sure to mention that they’ve already received return instructions AND been informed that we do not pay for return labels. 
  • Assign the ticket to the FulFillment team to create the label (or post in the Help channel if you are not an inhouse agent).  
  • The FulFillment team will send the label and email the customer label instructions, notating their actions clearly.

** International customers — we do not ask customers living outside the US to return product because customs usually destroys the package if no duty is paid. Therefore, you should confirm that the customer lives outside the US by viewing their account information, then advise them that you will arrange a refund as no return is necessary at this time.

Let's break down the examples:

Example -1. If the company or warehouse made a mistake in the order or fulfillment process and if it makes sense financially for us to pay for it. 

  • Ordered 3 Reactivate and the warehouse shipped 3 OMEGA  instead. - YES
  • Ordered 3 Bottles of Reactivate and the warehouse shipped 6 bottles. - YES
  • A customer tried to cancel within 3 hours of ordering and CH was behind and did not get to their request in time - YES
  • The customer ordered 3 Reactivate and the warehouse sent 2 Reactivate and 1 Omega instead. - NO. (labels for 1 bottle issues are not approved - just arranged to have their missing bottle of REA sent to them and ask them to keep the Omega). 

Example 1 Process:

1. Agent evaluates if we pay for return shipping according to the above rules, adds a note, and assigns the ticket to the FulFillment team.

2. The FulFillment team will send a follow-up email to the customer with detailed information and include the label, placing a detailed notation on the ticket.

Saved reply Suggestion:

Hi {%customer.firstName,fallback=%}, 

Thank you for contacting us today about your order.

I am very sorry to hear that -------------------->>>>>>(AGENT ENTER A PERSONALIZED NOTE ABOUT WHY THE CUSTOMER NEEDS A LABEL)*********<<<<-------------------------------

Please rest assured, we'll get this fixed for you right away.  I'll arrange to send you a replacement package and arrange a return shipping label so you can return the incorrect order/product at no cost to you. 

Once you receive the corrected order, please use the provided label to send back what you received. Let me know when you've shipped it back and if there are any credits due back to you, I'll be happy to take care of those at that time. 

Again {%customer.firstName,fallback=%}, I'm very sorry for any inconvenience this has caused. If you have further questions or concerns please don't hesitate to let me know. 

Example - 2 Process: The customer has previously received return instructions and REFUSED to return the remaining unopened items on their own. If they have only one bottle we will not require them to return it - however, IF they have more than 1 bottle we will consider providing a return label in order to reclaim the inventory. (You can discuss this with your manager)


  1. The customer asks for a refund
  2. Agent sends return instructions when there is a remaining product
  3. Customer refuses to return the product on their own 
  4. The agent replies to the customer letting them know we don't provide return shipping labels
  5. Customer refuses again
  6. Agent discusses the issue with their manager before confirming that a label will be issued.
  • If a label is approved the agent/manager will make a note and assign the ticket to the FulFillment team to create the label.
  • The FulFillment team will create the label, email the customer separate instructions and notate the ticket clearly.

Example 2 Saved reply Suggestion:

Hi {%customer.firstName,fallback=%}, 

Thank you for getting back to us about this. I'm sorry for any confusion regarding our return instructions. 

Since we provide free shipping to our customers we ask them to cover the return of any items they no longer want. 

Again, I'm very sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

The United States Postal Service makes it easy to create an account and then purchase and print labels right from their website. Then you can place the item directly in your mailbox without ever leaving your house. Here's how https://www.usps.com/ship/online-shipping.htm

Here's how to return your package:

Return Instructions -


Order Id:

Once you've mailed off your package shoot us an email with your tracking number and we'll issue you an immediate refund. 

FulFillment Team Process:

  1. Receive the request for a label (note labels are not approved for 1 bottle issues)
  2. Create the label in PB client connect or USPS if it is a JP order.
  3. Download the label and attach it to your email. 
  4. Send one of the saved replies below (they are different for PB and JP) 

Saved reply for labels sent from PB - 

Hello {%customer.firstName,fallback=%},

I hope this email finds you well.  I'm writing to let you know that a return shipping label/QR code has been emailed to you.

Please check your inbox for a separate email with the subject: Breakfast Factory. It will be sent from noreply@shipment.co. (If you don't see it please check your junk mail). Besides emailing it, I've also attached a copy of the label to this email.

The email contains a QR code. You can take the QR code to the post office, and they will print out the label and attach it to your package for you.

Or you can print a label by visiting this link (Print your label here) and entering your (QR CODE + your Zip code).

Please let me know once you’ve labeled your return package and placed it in the mail and if any funds are due back to you they will be processed at that time. 

I sincerely appreciate you choosing {%mailbox.name%}, {%customer.firstName,fallback=%}.

If you have any questions at all, let me know, I’m here to help in any way I can. 

JetPack labels are sent from USPS - so there’s a separate Saved reply: 

Hello {%customer.firstName,fallback=%},

I hope this email finds you well. I'm {%user.firstName%} your fulfillment specialist at {%mailbox.name%}.

I've attached a return shipping label to this email. Please print it out and attach it to your package. You can then hand the package to your mail carrier or take it to the closest USPS drop-off location.

Once you've shipped it back, please let me know. I will double-check that any funds due back to you have been processed.

Thanks again for choosing {%mailbox.name%},  {%customer.firstName,fallback=%}. If you have any questions at all, let me know, I'm here to help in any way I can.

There’s also a saved reply for shipping labels sent to collect back packages lost in transit when a reship has been ordered: 

Saved Reply: 

Hello {%customer.firstName,fallback=%},

I hope this email finds you well. I'm {%user.firstName%} your fulfillment specialist at {%mailbox.name%}. 

I'm very sorry to hear that your package hasn't arrived yet and I completely understand how frustrating that can be.  

We are reshipping you a new package and I've attached a return shipping label to this email so that you can send the delayed one back when it finally arrives.

​Please print it out and attach it to your package. You can then hand the package to your mail carrier or take it to the closest USPS drop-off location.

Again, I'm so sorry for the delay in receiving your order. 

I sincerely appreciate you choosing {%mailbox.name%},  

{%customer.firstName,fallback=%}. If you have any questions at all, let me know, I'm here to help in any way I can.

Image 1: 

____________________________________________________________________________________________A US customer who does not meet the requirements for a FREE label to return their items, can purchase one from us under special circumstances for $10.90.

  • A return shipping label can be purchased for $10.90, however we prefer that this option NOT be overused. It is for special circumstances like when a customer doesn't meet the requirements for a free label but voices other issues with returning on their own.
  • It isn’t for every customer who wants to return something because unfortunately, we don’t have the manpower to generate that many labels, and labels cost us more than we are charging for them. Please be cautious in offering this option.
  • From Zoho -
  • Add in your notes WHY a label has been paid for by the customer, and list the order id of the label.
  • A fulfillment coordinator will set up the label, email the customer instructions, and notate their actions clearly. 

cc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qxtWouwbVnAJqGxIjJ5pB_IYjc_8i_FRaHni-szoGFY/edit?usp=sharing

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