LL - Bounced Emails
Bounced emails can occur for a few reasons. The most popular being a typo at checkout or a typo on one of our Contact Us forms that asks them to provide their email address.
If you see a common typo - gnail rather than gmail, .con instead of .com you should be proactive and update that for them in the billing system they placed their order through,and in Helpscout. You will want to resend their order confirmation email(s) too.
If everything looks ok, or you send an email with a typo, and it bounces back, further action needs to be taken.
If the email that bounced back was sent from someone marked as spam, add a note that says it was spam and close the ticket.
If the email that bounced back was a customer, open the ticket that had an email sent out that generated that bounced email report. This customer needs a call ASAP to get a better email address so it can be updated and to let them know the actions taken to assist them.
tag call next, and add a note