LL - RME Radiant Life (Monthly) Cancel Steps + stripe

Locate the orders in SI using the email address associated with their account

Check the box next to the order id for the active subscription, and hit the Stop Recurring button

Confirm in the pop up window - No note is required to be added

If the order is not found in SI but they have a membership, the order will be found in Stripe. See "STRIPE" below.

In the Radiant Me Membermouse site, locate their account using their email address, and head into tab Access Rights. Cancel their Radiant Life/Radiant Me Monthly bundle. If it was the only program they had, also delete their account.

Reply to this member confirming the changes made. Close the ticket assigned to Anyone.

STRIPE - In the RME Refunds/Cancels (Stripe only), you will log your initials, the date, and their email address. Is this a refund or a cancel, or both? What product needs to be changed?

In the Team channel in Slack, alert Elana that you have added this new record.

Elana will take care of whatever is needed in Stripe, and check the refund or cancelled box - or both if it was a cancel and refund

These will eventually become Tasks in Zoho.

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