LL - TSM - Other Refund Specifics
Be aware of the particular actions you need to take within each refund case - whether it involves removing access for a particular course, ending the subscription sequence, or removing the customer from a mailing list. We realize there are a lot of variables and we encourage you to use your best judgment when determining the proper actions for each customer's request.
You should proactively void a program purchase if we see they have added a program they bought in the past.
Our refund policy for full program purchases only and is good for 365 days as stated on the site, but refunding anything past 4 months ago must be approved by Elana. Please do not hesitate to send us cases involving old refunds or cases with escalated issues that would best be handled by a supervisor.
Refunds for subscriptions are issued as a courtesy to the member, and we can refund up to 90 days of payments for new materials. Any refunds requested beyond this timeframe and three have already been issued, is a request that is escalated to a supervisor.
When handling a customer with multiple refund requests, do your best to try and work out a resolution with the customer by offering additional comped content, or else try and see how you can best assist the customer with obtaining content relating to what originally brought them to us in the first place before agreeing to multiple refunds.
Ensure that you pause in between each transaction void or refund to ensure the transaction is successful in Sticky.io. If you are going too quickly, you may receive an error stating the refund could not be processed because a duplicate transaction has been submitted. After waiting for a few minutes, you should be able to proceed with issuing the additional refund. It often helps to save in-house steps such as email list or account removal for between the times you are issuing multiple refunds.
Please alert any of the supervisors if you have trouble getting a refund to process or have any questions about certain cases.