LL - Changing Credit Card Information on File in Sticky.io
Updating the credit card information on file for a customer is fairly easy within Sticky.io
Pull up the customer record and click on the last billing. This can be either a full program purchase or a subscription charge.
After you click on the last billing, scroll down to the payment info fields.
You can update the payment type, card number, expiration date, or all of the above. You do not need to enter a new CVV security code in order for the updated card to work in the system (in fact, you cannot enter a new CVV number).
Click the Save button at the bottom, and this information is now saved in the customer file for future purchases.
If the customer indicates his address has also changed relating to the card, feel free to update this information as well so that future billings will not run into any problems.
Note: If a subscription has been stopped or declined and the customer is requesting for that subscription to be restarted, be aware that "Reset Recurring" bills their card in 15 hours. You will also need to be sure to re-subscribe them to the appropriate email list and reset the Journey. You may also need to reset their bundle access information. After restarting a customer on a subscription with new card information (or even if it's the same card information as before), be sure the customer knows when the next new billing will transpire after restarting the subscription.