LL - Outbound Sales - Getting Started & Managing your time

  • At the start of your day - log in to TCP
  • Announce yourself in the SalesTeam Channel
  • Access the lead list
  • Make calls 
  • In Zoho Tag each with your team tag and your name to identify them as your lead
  • In Zoho make a note for each person you call
  • Don’t forget to use your affiliate id number orders you place in Zoho so you get credit for the sale
  • Set a follow-up task to call the customer back to place a new order
  • Check your HelpScout box for email replies and voicemail messages
  • Fill out your sales tracker for the day
  • Log out in TCP
  • Say goodbye in the SalesTeam Channel 

*(see sales guidelines for additional info)

When viewing you should: 

  • Choose a lead and add the appropriate tags for lead tracking purposes.
  • Look up the customer and order details, read notes, prepare your offer 
  • Call the customer 
  • If you speak to the customer live all you need to do is make a note in zoho afterwards and set a follow up call  (if you want to send a follow up email you can - this will help build rapport)
  • If any customer service requests come up during your call, add them to the slack channel and the TL will help get them resolved.
  • If the customer places an order, make sure to set a follow up task to call them back towards the end of their supply. 
  • If you do not get the customer on the phone, note into zoho, and try them back, up to 5 times. You may also send an SMS to introduce yourself as their wellness coach calling about their order. 
  • Move to the next call
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