LL - TSM Welcome calls
Welcome Call Campaign - new TSM members
Who are we calling? New TSM members
Why are we calling? To Build a positive brand experience, build rapport, troubleshoot service issues
Who is calling? The Customer Happiness team
When are we calling? Around 1 week after they place their order
What points should be included in the call?
- Introduce The Social Man, yourself, and your role with the company
- Welcome the customer to The Social Man and let them know we are here for them if they need anything
- Provide the Company Contact Details
What if the member doesn't answer? Use the voicemail script
Hi, HIS NAME this is MY NAME from The Social Man. I just wanted to take this opportunity to welcome you as a new member. I’m thrilled you’ve joined us, and we are all fired up at the thought of what your future holds!
Here at The Social Man, we pride ourselves on offering our members responsive and excellent support 24/7.
You guys are the most important part of what we do, and we work tirelessly to ensure your complete satisfaction - now, and for as long as you are a member.
If you have any questions along the way or need our assistance adding another one of our stellar programs to your list, you can always contact our amazing support team at:
1 (888) 405-1915
Again, HIS NAME, we couldn't be happier that you've joined The Social Man, and I hope you are having an outstanding day!
We look forward to hearing your success stories soon!
What if the member doesn't answer and I can't leave a message? Mark it as called, and move on
What if the member answers? Use the Live call script/guideline
Hi may I speak to NAME?
Good Morning, NAME, my name is {AGENT} with The Social Man. Thank you so much for taking my call today. Nothing is wrong with your recent order but is it a good time to talk?
Great! I'm just calling to thank you for joining The Social Man as a new member. I’m thrilled you’ve joined us, and we are all fired up at the thought of what your future holds!
I also wanted to make sure that you knew that we pride ourselves on offering our members responsive and excellent support 24/7.
You guys are the most important part of what we do, and we work tirelessly to ensure your complete satisfaction no matter when you need us.
If you have any questions along the way or need our assistance adding another one of our stellar programs to your list, you can always contact our amazing support team by phone or email.
Is there anything I can do for you today? If yes - take care of that request
If you need anything in the future, you can reply to any email we've sent you or give us a call. Do you want to write down our email address and phone number just in case?
1 (888) 405-1915
"Ok, thanks so much for your time today NAME!
Again, Welcome to The Social Man, my name is (NAME), and I hope you have a great rest of your day, HIS NAME!
Will an email be sent after? Not unless the member requests one for future correspondence or there was something they needed help with such as how to log in or cancelling their subscription.
How do we track this? We will pull a report with date of sale, email address, IP address, zip/postal code, and phone number - selected agents will update a sheet as they call - marking them with when to call, and complete
Report located in the TSM Welcome Calls tab of the CHO
Report Info:
LL Product ID’s for report export: 886, 860, 733, 433
How to Create TSM Welcome Calls Report
- Calls that were already made.
- Calls that can't be made.
- Calls that shouldn't be made because they aren't a new customer.
- Calls that shouldn't be made because they already have HS interaction.
- In Sticky.io, input the date range in the "From:" and "To:" fields.
- Input the proper product IDs in the "Product ID:" field.
- Click Show Results.
- Modify results to show "Approved" and up the number per page to have all results on a single page.
- Select all.
- Uncheck any selected that have already been refunded or blacklisted, or are a tech test.
- Open CSV into Excel, Numbers, or Google Sheets.
- In Excel, Numbers, or Sheets, copy and paste necessary info into the correct order of:
- 1) Date of Sale, 2) Billing Email Address, 3) IP Address, 4) Billing ZIP/Postal Code, 5) Billing Phone Number
- Make note of the number of entries.
- Highlight the block of data, then copy and paste correctly ordered info into TSM Welcome Calls in the CHO.
- Make format corrections to match the previous entries. (While it's all still highlighted: change font to Arial, font size to 10, and center text.)
- Divvy up into 5 or 6 approximately equal sections by color-filling the sections. (The number of sections should match the number of people on day shift.)