LL - Day 0 VIP offer after purchase - Manual Orders

VFI, DML, and SCS customers who purchase VitaCell+, CeraLift, or AMPAlive as a single order are sent an email after purchase to offer a free bottle of one of our other products in exchange for signing up for that product's VIP Insider auto-refill plan.

The link to sign up in this email expires once their order has been marked as shipped. 

When we receive tickets that state they would have loved to sign up for it but couldn't, we can do this manually. 

There is a SR in HS to use for these that further clarifies how VIP works, and seeks permission for us to manually it to their order. 

*An example SR to view is Orders - Free bottle for BBT VIP join link expired

After you have received permission to sign them up for this you will use the New Order function within their original order. 

You will see the Day 0 campaigns in your options along with the CH campaigns

Their shipping and billing information will auto populate and you do not need anything from the customer to complete this order other than their permission. 

They will receive a purchase receipt reflecting the 1 bottle for $0.00 and tracking information as soon as it's available. 

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