LL - Backorder Procedure
HeroCo Backorder Procedure
Fulfillment Team Implementation:
- Beth alerts the Customer Happiness team in #ch-important-updates when a product goes on back order status and when we expect to receive more at the warehouse or when orders will start being fulfilled.
- The inventory count sheet is also located on the CHO Inventory Tab for everyone to view. Negative numbers next to an item indicate that we are out of stock (OOS)
- Go here to view the CHO / Inventory Tab: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/1/d/1LDPN29HXofGAHzDQfTRp9IoAEWUkev533PNcEJTNX_g/edit?usp=drive_web&ouid=115411915641588761191
- Green indicates a positive and ample amount of inventory - showing the exact number of bottles in stock.
- Yellow means we are getting low on stock- showing the exact number of bottles in stock.
- Red means we are out of stock- showing the exact number of bottles in backorder status.
Check the Ch-Updates Channel in Slack for the most recent inventory updates.
Updates will look like this:
- You can check the warehouse to see if an order is marked with BackOrder or INVHOLD status and see the order shipment history.
- An automatic Back Order email notification will be sent to notify DML and SCS customers with items on back order, after 3 days, 10 days, 17 days, 23 days, and 30 days.
- For extended (lengthy) stock-outs, managers can opt to send an additional email to customers on back order to update them.
DO NOT give the customer exact arrival dates - Even though we post expected arrival dates in our updates, these are for in-house use only. It's for our INTERNAL KNOWLEDGE. Truth is, anything could happen that could delay the delivery, and then we've promised the customer something we can't make happen for them. :(
For Example -
The inventory update says the product should arrive in 2 weeks which is towards the end of the month.
- You can say, "we are hoping it will arrive around the end of the month. of course, we'll send your tracking number as soon as your package is out the door!"
The inventory update says the product is due to arrive at the warehouse this Friday. (Don't forget it can take a day or 2 for the warehouse to get it prepared to ship).
- You can say, "I can't make any promises, but we are hoping it will be ready to ship out next week".
The inventory update says the product will be on an extended stock out and will not be in stock for 8 weeks. (In situations like this we will not have a more exact date until we get closer to the end of the 8 weeks).
- You can say, "We are hoping it will arrive within 8-10 weeks, hopefully, sooner. We'll keep you updated every step of the way" (don't forget back order emails go out automatically every few days to those with products on back order).