LL - Managing Stamped.io reviews (inside stamped.io)
Stamped.io - Publishing reviews on the website
Stamped.io is the app we use to collect and manage reviews then publish them to our shopify websites.
All new customers are sent an email 21-45 days after purchase and asked to write a review. The form to write the review is in the email they receive. Reviews submitted via the email will be directed to a thank you page that shows the coupon code associated with their action. 20% off for written reviews, 30% off for pictures or video uploads.
- The email received by the customer will look like this: https://stamped.io/ReviewForm?shop=120291&pubKey=pubkey-OB1XJ361DCh601277r5HAp28SMjl33&templateId=×tamp1596051632366&isPreviewTest=true
- Email subject: Lori, Review your recent purchase + Discount Codes!
Here's what the thank you page looks like: https://store.delmarlaboratories.com/a/review/thank-you?preview=true
A customer can go directly to the website (see below) and submit a review on their own instead of through the email however, they will not receive a coupon.
To cover a situation where a customer may not receive their promised coupon, each review submitted will be forwarded to HelpScout so the CH team can reply, tend to any service issues and re-send the coupon.
See CH Training for monitoring reviews within HelpScout
These Shopify Coupons have been set up to give to customers who write a review.
20% off for writing a review and 30% off if you write a review with a picture or video.
VFI - 20% = VITA20 AND 30% = VITA30
DML - 20%=THANKS20 AND 30% = THANKS30
SCS - 20%=THANKS20 AND 30% = THANKS30
How to manage reviews within Stamped:
- Log in to shopify / apps/ select stamped.io/ select dashboard from the right top.
- Go to the reviews tab.
Edit review by fixing typos, grammatical errors, etc.
Remove any claims about diseases that have been named.
IF possible replace disease name with symptoms (Covid = coughing, congestion, fever, body aches).
Publish any images attached to review before publishing the review (pics and review have separate publishing requirements).
IF you are unable to edit out disease claims feel free to ask for help from Corey and/or Lori before archiving.
Archive all reviews that don’t get published.
- Reviews will be posted manually to our websites by clicking publish.
- We will not respond to reviews via stamped.
- All reviews regardless of rating will be forwarded to the support team for review.
- For faster service, when there are customer service issues, we will work to resolve the issue asap.
- The CH team will also include the coupon code in their response in case the customer didn't see it on the thank you page received after they submit their review.
- Posting reviews to Social (Facebook, Twitter etc) -- social media manager only --
- First connect social media pages inside stamped via (Settings then select the social tab)
- Select smart sharing (automatically posts) or select manual sharing (preferred).
- For manual sharing go to the reviews section and pick a 5 star review that is no more than 3-4 lines long. (Only 3-4 lines shows up in the facebook post, the rest is lost). Make sure it is published before sharing to social.
- To post to the social media page of your choice click the share button and select page or select a direct link to be posted from within facebook. (see image below)
Next, post a good review!!
Miscellaneous issues:
Occasionally, a customer will post good comments with low star ratings or bad comments with a high star rating. We have the option of un-publishing these comments. Though not recommended, if the star rating is going to hurt the overall rating, we'd want to consult with the team lead or owner on how to proceed.
Using a manual push to social will also help prevent these types of reviews from publishing and going un-noticed by our team.