For members who want a refund because they aren't old enough to get in, or don't go to bars and clubs, our members have reported back great success in using these same ideas to meet women in other places that don't involve alcohol or loud music/dancing. 

  • Just about any other kind of store
  • Shopping malls
  • Coed sports leagues – softball, volleyball, etc.
  • Meetup groups – There are meetup groups specifically for people who want to meet people of the opposite sex, but there are other meetup groups for just about every interest imaginable. Just in the photography category, there are meetup groups for models & photographers, studio photography, fashion photography, nude photography, Photoshop users, architectural photography, urbex (urban exploration) photography, night photography, landscape photography, travel photography… I could go on, but you get the idea.
  • Toastmasters
  • Other special interest organizations
  • Walking down the street
  • Window shopping
  • Sports events (including the lines in the concession areas)
  • Street festivals
  • Museums
  • Art shows
  • Book review clubs
  • Political organizations
  • Coffee shops – Starbucks, etc.
  • Parks – while walking dogs or otherwise
  • Parties
  • Public transportation
  • Pool halls
  • Gaming arcades
  • Casinos
  • Church
  • Take a class in something you’re interested in.
  • Restaurants and cafeterias where business people go for lunch.

They are going to learn how to apply these ideas to all relationships too, not just with potential partners. 

Coworkers, bosses, friends, family, those are all unique relationships that need nurturing. Our programs are designed to help guys of all ages and in all stages of life. We even have some women members! 

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