LL - Introduction to Sticky.io


*NOTE - As of March 10, 2020, Limelight is known as Sticky.io*

After logging into Sticky.io you will navigate to the Customers tab and then either Orders or Customers to search for members and orders. 

Searching for customers is not something we do daily, but it is used when we are changing someone’s email address in the billing record at their request. This is typically done when someone has more than one account because they bought courses after providing different email addresses at checkout. 

For now, we will head into Orders.

When working from the Customer search fields, please be sure to be extremely precise when performing the lookups, because the search function does not allow for any errors or spaces.   

The main options we use to search for customers are the last 4 digits of the card, email address, and/or full name. Start with the last 4 digits, and that will bring up all orders from people who share those digits. Then, you’ll want them to verify their name and/or email address.

The other section that our customer happiness agents frequently use is the New Order screen.  This will allow you to place a manual order for a customer who is either having trouble or wants to process the purchase over the phone.  

We can get to the New Order screen in two ways. The first is the New Order button at the top of the Orders screen. The second is the method we use for existing members. After pulling up their Order history in Lime Light, click the Order ID of the most recent successful order. Scroll down to locate the Place New Order link in blue and click there to go to the New Order screen. This method will pre-fill their address and billing details. 

We want to try to avoid placing orders for customers in Sticky.io for reasons related to subscriptions. If they are a brand new customer, please try to use the online checkout page and ensure they are fully informed of what is included with their order.

The “Customer Happiness - Custom Pricing” campaign is (239).

After selecting the course the customer is interested in purchasing, you will likely need to edit the price. Click the pencil logo to adjust the price to reflect customer expectations.

If you did not use the Place New Order from a previous purchase, you would fill out all of the pertinent information, including precise first name, last name, address, and card information.  The CVV code (3-digit code on the back of the card) is required for a successful purchase (Security Code field). After entering all of the info, you will immediately be notified whether the transaction was approved or declined. Placing a manual order does require manual placement on the correct Customer email list and addition to their member account. 

Something to note here is that when we process a payment the payment gateway holds the information, not us, so we can directly credit back any payment to the same card without actually having the full card information shown because the bank also stores it and we provide the refund via the bank the payment originally processed through. This helps us meet PCI Compliance, and helps our customers rest assured that we keep their payment information safe and sound!

Working in Sticky.io is fairly easy and self-explanatory, but to give a very quick rundown: Clicking into an Order ID will take you directly to that specific purchase billing, and clicking on the Customer Name will take you to a full listing of all of their past billings. 

Small icons in the Status window show us what has transpired for each transaction.  You can hover over each logo to learn more about what it means and refer to the linked article for Understanding Order Status. 


Any time we have a customer who requests a full refund, is deemed a fraudulent customer, or we otherwise do not want to have any interaction with in the future, we will mark them as Black Listed so that they are unable to order in the system again. This will only work with approved or declined orders - this will not work with people not already in the system because one of the things it blocks is their IP Address which we will not have if no billing activity is found. You would simply check the Order ID in question and click on the green "Black List Orders" function to successfully blacklist.

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