LL - TSM Blacklist removal conditions and actions to take

Occasionally, we will hear from a former customer or member who would like to order something new and restart their membership. They were Black Listed because of the full refund and the checkout page will not allow them to complete their order.

In order to proceed with that order, we need to address their purchasing block. We tell these members that if we remove the blacklist, and allow them to purchase this program to restart their membership, we will not be able to honor any future refund requests. 

If they agree to those terms, add a note in their Help Scout record under Notes indicating their former blacklist status and the date they accepted the terms of the Black List removal policy.

The Black List can be found after clicking on the Customers tab in Sticky.io. Under Accounts, find and click on Black List.

This page contains a list of all those customers that have been Black Listed. In the search field, enter the email address of the person you are removing from the Black List. 

You can delete a customer from the Black List at any time. After finding the customer in your Black List database, and click on the green button with three dots, select “Delete”.

By deleting a customer from the Black List, you are not deleting it from the system; you are only deleting the blacklist status of the customer and sending it back to active customers.


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