LL - TSM isoft (Pre-2015)

In the CHO tabs for TSM isoft members, you will find the original member list. This list was kept when the first membership site was closed so we could retain records of what they purchased. These programs were 90% ordered prior to using Sticky.io for our billing platform. 

When you have an older member who is requesting access to their older programs, and you cannot verify their order in Sticky.io and they are not on the Customer Of that program email list, also look them up by email in those tabs.

The records that are shown in the column titled Program ID's are the programs they had at that time. 

You are looking for the names of the programs - Ignition, Unbreakable, Desire, etc.

The subscriptions at that time were The Ten Code (now called The Confidence Code) and Way of the Rake (Now called Power Signals) and access to these months were broken down by module. The Ten Code month 1 = all The Ten Code records 01-06. Way of the Rake Month 1 = 01-04. You don't need to concern yourself with this TOO much, because if they had access to those programs in the past, we can give them full access to them now since they are no longer month-to-month subscriptions. 

There are some other program id's you do not need to be concerned with as they no longer apply. These are:

Y1 - Memberships -> 

Y1 - !Members Site Access, Admin -> 


Prospects -> Sales: TSM - Coaching HOT

Clients: NYC IFSW Alumni

Y1 - Holiday Hookups (This is now inside Bonus Training)

BMOC (Big Men on Campus)

Y1 - CYC Campus Code (CYC = Conquer Your Campus)

Y1 - CYC Lost Lectures

If you get any member requests for access to BMOC or Conquer Your Campus, unfortunately, we no longer host that on our servers. Feel free to provide them with the links to the .mp3 audio files and The Campus Code .pdf:

Big Men on Campus














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