LL - ShipStation Extended Order Hold procedure

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  • Our main goal is to prevent orders from shipping incorrectly as well as get them shipped as quickly as we can, which means requests for orders with a pending shipment are considered urgent.  *Expediting the request helps prevent customer frustration, inventory loss and shipping costs for our company. 
  • ShipStation is a holding tank between the order database (Shopify or SI) and the warehouse. 
  • Once an order has moved from the order database into Shipstation, changes that affect the order/shipment will need to be made in ShipStation -- UNLESS the order has already reached been placed in AWAITING SHIPMENT status in SS OR has moved into the warehouse software.
  • ALWAYS look the order up in ALL locations before deciding on your next step. 
  •  If the order has already moved into the warehouse software, any changes to the order/shipment must be made within that interface instead. DO NOT promise any changes to the customer without confirming IF it's still possible. 

Understanding the fulfillment flow:

1. Orders Start in Sticky.io or Shopify -  (orders are on hold for a short amount of time here) - if they have not moved to Shipstation, changes like address updates, edits to the order can be made here and will follow the order all the way through the fulfillment process. 

2. Orders move from Sticky/Shopify to ShipStation. When an order arrives in ShipStation it is initially placed ON HOLD for at least 4 hours and potentially longer depending on factors like if we are behind in customer support, if the warehouse is behind, or if we have a back order situation). 

Orders can be edited or changed in ShipStation only IF they in the ON HOLD status.  

3. Orders that are ON HOLD in SS will be manually moved to AWAITING SHIPMENT status in order to be transferred into the Warehouse interface.

  1. When they enter the PB warehouse system, they start in RECEIVED status - it is possible to still cancel the order during this time. The next status is PRINTED, at this point it is too late to cancel the order or make changes. Note that "received" orders can move to "printed" very quickly so it is URGENT that you act quickly to request a change, and never promise a customer that the change will definitely happen.
  2. INVENTORY HOLD/HOLD/BADADDRESS status in PB can be cancelled. 

6. When the order moves into PRINTED Status, a label has been printed and the system will be updated with a tracking number momentarily. Again, it is TOO late to cancel this order. 

7. Once the tracking number is assigned, the order will move to SHIPPED status. The package will be transferred to a delivery truck to be delivered to the address listed on the package.

  • 5-7 business days inside the US
  • 10-21 business days to Canada
  • 21-30 to Australia /New Zealand

Resolving a customer request - (AGENT STEPS) 

When a customer requests a change to an order that has reached SS -  AND is in an ON HOLD status + NOT in the warehouse - the agent will EXTEND the ON HOLD until YEAR 2050 before assigning to Gretchen.


  • Look up the order in Shopify or SI, SS AND the Warehouse to get the full picture: 
    • IF the order is in SS in any other status than ON HOLD, NO changes can be made in SS. 
    • If the order is in Warehouse no changes can be made UNLESS it is in INVHOLD,BACKORDER,HOLD,BADADDRESS,or RECEIVED status. 
  • IF the order is currently in the ON HOLD status in ShipStation (and is not in WAREHOUSE)    
    • Click to highlight the order in question or to select the order. 
    • Click Edit and enter the date on Hold until (YEAR 2050) and save it (Image 2)
    • Click the box Internal notes and add a note with your first and last name initial, your request, and the ticket #. Example: EB Please cancel order 12345 ticket # 331122 (see image 1 below)
    • Orders placed on hold should always have a note and a date TO YEAR 2050 in the future 
    •  Then assign the ticket to Gretchen in Active Status and also post it in the Ch_Urgent_fulfillment channel
    • When you take an order off hold for any reason, all you have to do it highlight the line, then hit Restore from the top menu items.
  • Any change needing to be made in ShipStation IS considered an urgent or time sensitive need therefore - you must follow these steps, then notate it in help scout, assign that ticket in active to Gretchen AND also slack Gretchen in the Urgent Fulfillment slack channel. 


When we put a customer order ON HOLD for an order issue (like an address verification or an upsell issue)  - or any time we need to hear back from the customer in order to get their order off hold and shipped we need to CALL the customer and send an EMAIL. 

If you are unable to make the call out - you will email the customer - note the ticket with the actions needed - and add the tag: call next and place the ticket pending status/assigned to ANYONE. This allows the agents who can make outbound calls to contact the customer and then assign the ticket to Gretchen to process. 

Our goal is to move these types of orders off hold in SS within 5 bus days. Therefore, anytime you need to hear back from a customer about an order that we are holding for them, please make sure to give them a 5 day time frame to get back us. 

You'd say, "We're happy to keep your order on hold for 5 business days. If we don't hear back from you after that time, we'll cancel your order and process a complete refund. "

Again, the ticket would be kept in pending and with regular follow ups, then cancel/refund the order after 5 business days. 

below is where you make a note in SS

image 1

Image 2

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