LL - Chat action items
In the area where you can type a response, you will see the three dots. Click there to open a menu which will give you a few action item options.
End Chat does precisely what you think it does. If you end the chat here before the customer hits end chat on their end, they will have to start a new request.
Insert a Docs Link will allow you to add a link to a specific article published to the public help desk. Never ever give out any article link that begins with LL -.
Attach a File will let you add a screenshot or photo to the chat. The customer might need to use this feature if they have a billing concern. You might need to use this if someone is asking for a COA for vitacell or heavy metals report for vitaomega.
Saved reply will let you respond with any of the replies that are in help scout you currently use for email responses.
Private note will let you add a note to the chat like you can currently do for email responses. The customer does not see this note, and it will not be included in the transcript they receive.
In the reply area, you can also type / to bring up a menu of the same available action items
When you click to add a note, you will see the yellow note area where you can type what you need.
When you are done with adding your note, click on the three dots and select Public reply to go back to the chat response
When you are adding a saved response, you can search for the one you're looking for. Click on it to apply it to your response and you can edit as needed before sending.
When you're looking for a help desk document link to send someone, you can search for the one you want. These have keywords pre-built to help you locate the one you need.
If you click on All collections, you can narrow down your options.
After you apply the link to the chat and send, it shows the link and a preview of the article.
The customer sees the same.