LL - TSM - Requesting a full refund
For anyone requesting a full refund, let's definitely ensure first that the customer is taken off any active subscriptions and also that the customer understands why they were billed past their original purchase. If you can resolve a full refund request with a subscription cancellation and refund for that billing, this helps resolve some of the full refund cases.
Past that, whatever we can do to avert a full refund with offering comped courses and pointing out where the client can receive additional help in the member forums or bonuses, this can also go a long way towards averting a complete refund.
You would use the "Orders - Refund Requested Exchange Offer" SR, which states:
We would like to try and clear up any issues that are happening, whether it's accessing the site, content questions or otherwise. Can we be of any assistance before processing a refund?
Is there another course we could interest you in an even exchange for? And it provides them with a full list of programs. You will need to remove any programs they can currently access.
Sometimes customers will bite at receiving additional content and truly be interested in staying on with the training. Work with them however possible to retain their business and keep them on as a Social Man member if we can work out a comp.
Other times, the client will express frustration with all of the content we provide, and this is a great opportunity to offer your suggestions and advice about how to best utilize the materials they have access to.
If the customer complains that they went through the content and tried using it but received no results, ensure they have put in the time and effort concerning each concept related to their purchase. Customers can sometimes view all of the content at once and not really let the information sink in to properly utilize.
Other wording that comes in useful and helps the client to understand that we are "there for them" and that we care about their needs and future success:
Ultimately, we would like to help you attain your goals and we are concerned that you have had no success in the time since you became a member. Have you made the time to practice the concepts and participate in the member community to ask questions about your situation?
We would love a chance to talk about what drew you to become a member, and what you are hoping to gain from your membership with us. If this program is not best suited to meet your goals, we can help find something you’re going to love.
There must be some reason you came to us in the first place, and we would really like to help you get to a satisfactory point in your social/dating life and ultimately hear your success stories.
Expressing this desire to help can go a long way in a customer's mind towards having them re-think any full refund actions and dramatically change the future nature of their requests.
Now let's be completely clear about adamant full refund requests - you are welcome to issue a complete refund if the customer is absolutely not willing to work with us after we have attempted to work through their issues. Please remember that any refunds going back past 4 months ago *must* be approved by Elana. Sometimes customers do not want to go through the extra step of having to deal with a supervisor, so again reiterate to them that we are able to compensate with additional content that will help get them the extra training they need to achieve their goals.
Remember to remove access in TSM Academy and add to the Do Not Email list in Maropost