LL - What are the Bonus Training programs?

Anyone who has a login at the TSM Community has these by default. There are 9 programs that have videos, and 9 that are things to read or are audio only. Many of these programs have downloads available inside, but they are not in a Digital Box like the others. They will be linked on the page itself. 

  1. When You Feel Like You’re Not Good Enough
    1. Led by Dr. David Tian
    2. Confidence help (overcoming neediness and fear)
      1. 23 minutes, 33 seconds long - no downloads available
  2. The Ten Spot
    1. Led by Christian Hudson and Fran Anderson
    2. Confidence help (become the 10 you’re looking for so no one is out of your league)
      1. 1 hour, 4 minutes, 9 seconds long - no downloads available
  3. Endless Conversations
    1. Led by Christian Hudson
    2. Great to use to prepare for a date so you don’t run out of things to talk about. 
      1. 51 minutes, 20 seconds long - TPI Handbook download under notes & resources
  4. The Art of Seduction
    1. Led by Christian Hudson
    2. How to escalate to intimacy 
      1. 1 hour, 6 minutes, 10 seconds long - no downloads available
  5. The Coffee Shop Drill
    1. Led by Christian Hudson
    2. Developing creative thinking skills and people watch to better understand how body language often speaks louder than words. How to read that unspoken communication to help in your efforts to get to know someone better - dating or otherwise.
      1. 4 minutes, 26 seconds long - no downloads available
  6. Bombing Opener
    1. Led by Christian Hudson
    2. How to develop great first impressions
      1. 19 minutes, 12 seconds long - no downloads available
  7. Friends Into Lovers
    1. Led by Dr. David Tian
    2. How to escalate platonic relationships to intimacy. (Get out of the “friend zone)
      1. 57 minutes, 43 seconds long - no downloads available
  8. Sexual Texting
    1. Led by Christian Hudson
    2. How to get to texts of a naughtier nature (sexting/nudes)
      1. 9 minutes, 8 seconds long - .mp3 audio file available under Notes & Resources
  9. Lustworthy Sex
    1. Led by Christian Hudson
    2. Be a better lover - emotionally and physically
      1. 1 hour, 7 minutes, 28 seconds long - no downloads available
  10. The 7 Commandments for dating 9’s and 10’s.
    1. Led by Christian Hudson
    2. For men dating or seeking women they consider 9’s and 10’s or “out of their league”
      1. 42 minutes, 40 seconds audio file they can stream or download plus 7 rules to live by they read in the module itself. 
  11. Holiday Hookups
    1. Led by Christian Hudson
    2. How to make the most of New Years Eve parties
      1. 42 minutes, 40 seconds audio file they can stream or download plus 2 music playlists.
  12. Assertive Approaching
    1. Led by Christian Hudson
    2. Overcoming approach anxiety so they can go out and meet new people with confidence.
      1. 1 hour, 33 minutes, 4 seconds audio file they can stream or download plus additional tips to read in the module itself. 
  13. The Social Matrix
    1. Led by Christian Hudson
    2. PDF download for teaching social conditioning and skills
      1. 10 minute read time
  14.  Complete Confidence Hypnosis
    1. Led by Unknown
    2. 7-day subliminal hypnosis program for confidence that’s meant to be played during sleep. 
      1. 6 downloadable audio files, and information to read for tips on how to use this program.
  15. The Frame Control Bible
    1. Led by Nick Sparks
    2. Get to the heart of who you are, what you bring to the table, and what you are (or aren’t) willing to put up with - and how to use that confidence to shape a new reality. 
      1. 39-page downloadable pdf - 20-30 minute read time
  16. The Model Challenge Screen
    1. Led by Christian Hudson
    2. Specifically for how to talk to and date a working model
      1. 9-page downloadable pdf - approx. 10 minute read
  17. The Breathtaking Hello
    1. Led by Christian Hudson
    2. What do you say first? Includes The Bombing Opener, Situational Observations, What’s going on in her head, and more. 
      1. No download, 20-30 minute read in the module itself
  18. Everything on Opening
    1. Led by Bobby Rio, Brad Jackson, Rob Judge, and Christian Hudson
    2. Audio interviews with Bobby, Brad, and Rob on the subject of starting conversations. 3 recorded group coaching calls with Christian Hudson. All downloadable.
      1. Bobby Rio interview - 1 hour, 25 minutes, 23 seconds long. 
      2. Brad Jackson interview - 1 hour, 24 minutes, 40 seconds long.
      3. Rob Judge Interview - 1 hour, 4 minutes, 17 seconds long.
      4. Coaching call 1 - 53 minutes, 31 seconds long.
      5. Coaching call 2 - 1 hour, 40 minutes, 43 seconds long
      6. Coaching call 3 - 58 minutes, 53 seconds long. 

cc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pEwMJ656R4XP-aK5lU8Ddwa2l-s03W4889TAAIWNisU/edit?usp=share_link

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