LL - Vitalifi Websites and Sales pages

Product Sales Pages:

  1. https://TheVitalLife.co - VitaCell+ Long form letter Sales page /Orders placed here found in Sticky. 
  2. https://vitacellimmunity.com - VitaCell+ Video Sales Letter/Orders placed here found in Sticky. 
    1. https://asset.vitacellbooster.com/download/vitacell-immunity-vsl-transcript.pdf VitaCell+ Video Sales Letter transcript 
  3. https://www.turningpointintegrative.com/ (Dr. Mark Sivieri’s practice - VFI)
  4. https://vitalifi-help-desk.helpscoutdocs.com/article/1021-welcome-dr-steven-sisskind (Who is Dr. Steven Sisskind)
  5. https://berbethin.com/ - BBT Sales page/Orders placed here found in Sticky.
  6. d3active.com - D3 Active Sales page/ Orders placed here found in Sticky. 
  7. detoxifiyourbody.com - Detoxifi Sales page /Orders placed here found in Sticky. 
  8. vitaomegaplus.com - VitaOmega Sales page /Orders placed here found in Sticky.
  9. http://getbiobooster.com - BioBooster Sales page /Orders placed here found in Sticky.
  10. https://www.amazon.com/s?me=A2O7JYJYF89OGK&marketplaceID=ATVPDKIKX0DER - VFI Amazon store orders. 

Other VFI websites

https://vitalifi.me/ - . Orders placed here go into Shopify. 

VIP (Subscriber Program) - this is an autorefill program that is available through the sales pages and the shopify website. 

VIP+ (Subscriber Program) https://the-hero-co-ll.helpscoutdocs.com/article/539-ll-vfi-vip-plus-membership-info

Product Study - https://vitalifi-help-desk.helpscoutdocs.com/collection/177-products

View all product knowledge in LL - https://the-hero-co-ll.helpscoutdocs.com/

View FAQ’s in VFI HelpDesk Docs - https://vitalifi-help-desk.helpscoutdocs.com/collection/177-products

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