LL - What is the 14-Day Metabolism Reset


This program is a one time cost of $29.97

The 14-Day Metabolism Reset is the fastest, healthiest way to drop pounds, shed fat, boost your energy levels, and get your body working for you, and you’ll do it naturally, without harmful chemicals, or artificial stimulants.

Marina Santos is a certified personal trainer and fitness model.

  • No subscriptions, or hidden charges, and 365-day money-back guarantee!
  • It does not require you to organize your busy life around it!
  • Includes a meal plan with easy and delicious recipes from the downloadable Recipe & Eating Plan Handbook.
Your digestive system starts working better, you increase your resting metabolic rate, and you shift your body from burning carbs to burning fats.
  • Instant access to our Daily Videos to Workout with Marina, an amazing, private fitness Facebook group exclusive to only our members.
  • 20-minute workouts with high and low-intensity versions, nutrition tips, shopping lists.
You'll be burning calories, building lean muscle mass and improving your resting metabolic rate

cc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oS8BtvIq-l4b5vvaKvoKpAk65VZPmteKzs4L0qm14oQ/edit?usp=share_link

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