LL - Handling TSM Feedback and Blank Emails
When someone writes in with especially good feedback about their experience as a member, we want everyone to celebrate that success! We also want to be able to reach out to those members to possibly feature them on our websites.
We want to copy the name and email address of the person providing that feedback, and the message they sent. These are pasted into the Slack channel called TSM_feedback_success.
We then want to thank that member and let them know we’ve passed their message along.
If a customer’s email comes in blank, please click onto the drop-down and look at the case in both Text and HTML to see if the text might be hidden for some reason. Please make sure that you get a reply out to any blank emails, especially if they are a customer. We want to ensure they know that we received a blank message and we’re wanting to help them. You can resolve all blank emails after the response is sent.