LL - New Hire Assignment #1

New Hire Assignment #1

Please complete all 3 phases of this assignment.

Phase #1

1. Visit Del Mar or Sun Coast's website and view the products.

2. In the Learning Library, view the article detailing how to place a test order in Shopify and Sticky.io. Locate the instructions for placing an order in sticky.

3. Log In to Sticky and go to the "orders" section. Create a test order using the New Order button at the top. Select the Customer Happiness campaign for DML or SCS. Choose any 1 bottle product from the list of products.

Use the test address and phone number that's in the article and use Test Credit card to pay for your items: 4141525241415252 Use any CVV 555 Exp: 12/29

4. Use your @theheroco email in your order. Check your email to view the order confirmation.

5. Save your order id for training.

6. Send Gretchen a message in the ch_urgent_fulfillment slack channel and let her know you placed a test order and ask her to cancel it. Provide her with the order id and email address you used on the order. 

Phase #2

1. Visit the Learning Library.

2. Find the article “Policies We Follow"

3. Write the short list of “policies we follow" down on a piece of paper?

4. What is #3 on this list?

5. Save your answers for training.

Phase #3

1. Watch the following video in this article (54 mins): https://www.inc.com/tony-hsieh/why-your-top-priority-should-be-company-culture.html

Then, write a short paragraph discussing the importance of having and following core values, both personally and professionally. 

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