LL - How to issue a partial refund in Sticky.io

If the order is located in Sticky.io:

  1. Open the SI order you are issuing a partial refund against. 
  2. Scroll down until you find the Void/Refund line
  3. If a partial refund, change the dollar amount shown in the box to how much the refund will be
  4. Hit Refund
  5. A pop-up window will have you confirm that you want to take this action. 
  6. A final pop-up window will let you know whether this action was successful. 
  7. Re-review their SI orders in full to see the refund applied. You should see both Approved and Refunded logos in the Status area. 

If the order is located in Shopify:

  1. Look up the order via order number, customer name, or email
  2. Open order
  3. Click the Refund button at the top
  4. Enter the amount to be refunded
  5. Send the customer a notification
  6. Double-check the history at the bottom of the order to make sure it all looks correct
  7. If the refund is for a recharge subscription - you will need to assign it to the Refunds Team as a CHO ticket - so that it can also be refunded in the payment gateway - otherwise, the refund will appear to process in recharge, but will not actually be refunded back to the customer card. 
  8. Email the customer a personal confirmation. 
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