LL - Closing The Loop on a complaint Lesson 4

Make sure to " CLOSE THE LOOP" by taking immediate action on each suggestion or complaint and documenting the best way to prevent it from happening again.

Closing the loop on customer complaints:

Call the customer immediately

Hi Customer, I'm  Cheryl from Sun Coast Sciences calling to follow up on the feedback you submitted recently and help get the problem resolved so we can prevent it from happening again. First, I want to  (apologize) and "THANK YOU"  for taking the time to send us your feedback!   Your feedback is VERY important so we can continue to improve our products and services. Do you mind if I ask you a question about your experience?

#1 How was your experience? 

a.  Happy with experience (explain)

b.  Product Issue (explain)

1.  (Incorrect usage of product)

2. (Correct usage of product & nutrition plan)

3.  (Known Medical Issue)

4.  (No structured nutrition plan)

5.  (Adverse reaction ) - document on AR sheet.

6.  (Unrealistic expectations/Miracle pill)

7.  (Didn't like taste  )

8.  (Burped)                       

9.  Other (explain)

c.  Service Issue (explain)

1. (Agent issue) 

2. (Shipping issue) 

3. (Technical issue)

4. (Marketing/advertising issue)

d.  Financial Issue (explain)

e.   Other (explain)

#2   Agent asks - is there anything we could have done to make it better?            

a. Customer suggestion: (notate)

#3   Agent asks - If there was a problem, what can we do to make it up to you?  

a.  Agent Action: (notate)



a. What immediate action can we take to make customers happy? (document your action)

b. What long-term action can we take to fix and prevent this issue from happening to other customers? (notate and place on suggestions document)

Follow up with the customer by email after the call.

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