LL - How and when to resubscribe an email list (Maropost)
Video: https://www.loom.com/share/05a925efea99449cb623cb898e09066d
Email lists help CH know what products someone has. This also helps Marketing segment sales and marketing efforts to those customers.https://app.maropost.com/accounts/325/dashboard
- Search for the email address in the Contact Search widget to locate the email record.
- Once you have searched correctly and pulled up an account, scroll to find the Lists widget. Click the pencil logo to edit their Lists.
- You will see a list of email lists they are currently subscribed to at the top, and any they were previously subscribed to listed at the bottom. If you want to add them back to one of those, click on the slider to toggle it back on and hit save.
- If you do not see the list you want to add them to in Unsubscribed (scroll to see all), click on "UNSELECTED LISTS" and you'll be able to seach for the one you want if you don't see it in the list options.
- To add them to one of those lists, click the check box next to the name, and hit save.
- If you do not see the list you want to add them to in Unsubscribed (scroll to see all), click on "UNSELECTED LISTS" and you'll be able to seach for the one you want if you don't see it in the list options.