LL - VFI/SBS/DML VIP Cancellation Steps Sticky.io

Step 1: Locate the billing account in Sticky.io. Once you have their email address, paste it into the Email: search box and it will show you all of their approved and declined orders. 

* If you do not have their email address yet because it's a phone call, or they wrote in using an email address you cannot locate in Sticky.io, look to see if you can find them by name or the phone number they called from. If they are on the phone, you can request one of the following from that customer:

1. The order number which is located on the purchase receipt for any product they have purchased


2. The last 4 digits of the debit or credit card they used to place their order. Once you have this information, you will want to also ask them to provide you with their name, and email address, so you can locate the correct member account because many people may share the same last 4.

3. Once you know who the member is using one of the above pieces of information, copy their email address and go back to Step 1. 

Step 2: Locate the order that has a Next Recurring Product and Next Recurring date. 

1. Check the box next to the order number with a Next Recurring Product and Next Recurring date. 

2. Hit Stop Recurring 

3. A pop-up window will appear to let you know this action was successful. Click OK. 

It's often a good idea to repeat Step 1 after you take the above actions. This can help you see if any additional actions may be needed, or to refer to their billing history so your next steps and response are accurate. 

Step 3: Send that customer an email to let them know you have taken care of their request. 

There is a Saved Reply for VIP Cancellation and one for VIP Cancellation - Unexpected Refill. 

If they are aware they had the VIP Refills, they get the VIP Cancellation. 

If they question why they received a new shipment or billing, you will want to use the Unexpected Refill which directs them to the checkout page where they enrolled to get refills (and discounts).

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