LL - Voicemail & Missed Call Procedure

Working VM tickets in HS

Example video - https://www.loom.com/share/b73554ec683c43ad86d41433c37777a4 - Needs an update, this is the old way of doing these. 

1. Open the VM ticket in HelpScout so you can listen to the recorded message. 

2. At the same time, open a note on the VM ticket. As you listen to their message make a note with the complete details of their request. 

3. After you've listened to the VM, try to locate that person using the details provided by the caller id and any details they left in their voicemail. 

4. If you know their email address, use the change the customer feature (change from a "voicemail ticket" to the email address & name tied to their customer record). 

5. If you are able to call the customer, do so at this time. 

  • Leave a Voicemail for them if they are not available - (your message should contain the same info as your reply email).
  • If the customer answers live, update them on their request and make friends/wow them! then send them an email summary of your conversation and the actions you've taken to resolve their request.
    • Remember if they answer you should inform them that the call may be recorded for quality or training purposes -- if that is ok? If they say yes - move on. If they oppose, then you would suggest we handle their resolution by email because you are unable to turn the recording off. 

6. Your follow-up email: At this point, you should have used the customer feature and updated the ticket with the customer information. That will allow you to reply to the customer on the same ticket as the VM recording lives.  Let them know the actions you've taken to resolve their issue.

  • Email Subject: Returning Your Call 
  • Remember all customers get Phone calls/ Email Combo.

7. If you are not able to call them due to a time zone issue, you should still update the ticket with the customer information, formulate a reply with a resolution to the customer and send it, then change the status of the ticket to pending and tag the ticket "call next" so that it gets in line for someone else to do a callback. If you are unable to call back and it is an urgent matter, please also post the ticket information in your team chat channel and ask for someone on the team to do the call back - also tag your manager. 

Don't have their email address? 

1. Make a note of their time zone, the details of their request, and the fact that you could not locate any orders for them.

2. Call them back if you are able to do so at this time.

  • Leave a voicemail if you can
  • If the customer answers live, you can handle their request and then email them a new message with a summary of how you helped. 

3. If you are not able to call them due to a time zone issue, make the Voicemail ticket status pending a note with their time zone, the details of their request, and the fact that you could not locate any orders for them. Tag the ticket "call next" and others that apply, so that it gets in line for a callback. All agents should check the "call next" folder during their shift for return calls that need to be completed. 

Working Missed Call tickets in HS

Missed Calls are calls where there is no voicemail. 

In this case - email the customer to find out if we can assist them in any way.

  • Subject Missed Call Follow up
  • Tag "missed call follow-up"
  • Remember all customers get Phone calls/ Email Combo.

Once you email them if you are able to call the customer do so. 

  • Leave a Voicemail if not available - (VM contains the same info as your reply email).
  • If the customer answers live, update them on their request and make friends! then send an email summary. 

If you are not able to call them due to a time zone issue, tag the ticket "call next" so that it gets inline for a callback

After you send your email, start a note on your email reply and include the ticket number from the Missed Call Ticket. That way if the customer writes back the next agent can easily find that ticket. 

What should you say when making a return call or leaving a voicemail?

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