LL - HelpScout Voicemail Ticket Process

1. When you open a Voicemail ticket, listen to the attached voicemail rather than relying on the transcription that's included. 

2. Search Shopify/Sticky.io for their phone number and remove any special characters such as ( ) and -. 

    If they left any other identifying information such as their name, L4 of their card, or order ID, that can help you locate their billing record. 

3. Use the CHANGE CUSTOMER feature to update the voicemail ticket with the customer's email address and name if it's available.

    *Be sure to click Change Customer rather than simply updating the customer record with this information!*

Once you've "changed customer" look in Previous Conversations for other tickets that are Active or Pending from this customer. If you find an Active or Pending request that relates to their voicemail, Merge the VM ticket with their other request. If the VM request has already been handled, you can close this ticket after merging. 

4. If you can call the customer back, do so and use this ticket to send your follow-up email. 

5. If you cannot call the customer back, do what you can to complete their request and send them an email and add the call next tag so a return call can be made. 

6.. Your note should contain their time zone if a return call is needed, a brief synopsis of the voicemail they left, and what you did to complete the request. 


If you are unable to find the customer in the order database - you should still update the ticket with as much information as you have.

For example: 

1. If there is a name and phone number update help scout with that information even if there is no associated order. 

2. If there is no first or last name with the phone number - update help scout with the information you have

for example: First Name - Mary, Last Name - No Last Name, phone number (314)555-1212

3. If there is no name at all and just a phone number using the Change customer feature, enter the First Name as Voicemail and the last name as the phone number, then also add the phone number to the phone number section. 

4. If you don't have an email address it's Ok, you don't need one - we can add it at a later point. 

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