LL - Discounts and the Unhappy Customer

My customer is unhappy. What discount is appropriate?

When things go wrong with a customer each agent is empowered to take good care of them and fix the problem as soon as possible. It's easy to become defensive or upset when a "mad" customer vents to us. First, don't take it personally. If a customer is mad the first thing we should do is APOLOGIZE and second is to let them know we are going to do our best to FIX the problem right away. Have a gracious attitude with them (even if they are mad). 

We DO appreciate their pointing out our mistakes, how else would we know to fix it and work to prevent it from happening again?

The best way to help an upset customer is to say - "Thanks for letting me know about this Mr. Smith, I'm SO sorry this  happened, let me see what I can do to FIX this for you" ....

* It's important to remember we are building a HeroCARE culture, we have integrity, we do the right thing, we fix their issue, we try make it right, (even when WE may not necessarily be in the wrong) and we do it with a smile - EVERY TIME.

We ask each agent to feel confident that they have the power to take care of their customer and make sure they are 100% satisfied with every encounter they have with us.


>> Physical problem with a product or packaging - we replace the product. This might also include a partial or full refund depending on the severity of the complaint. Please ask  Stacy for assistance deciding what is appropriate. * Defective product - Don't forget to ask them to send pictures so we can address the problem and try to prevent future defects.

>> For simple problems offer 10% or $10. Offer a partial refund + rectify the problem. (wrong product, shipped late, lost product, late delivery, minor perceived loss of service and customer is aggravated but not irate).

>> For worse problems like multiple mistakes or an irate customer, offer a little larger partial refund 10%-20%.

>> For REALLY BAD problems - 30% is typically the highest we would go before seeking a manager for assistance in deciding what is appropriate to offer above and beyond what has been listed here.

* Defective product - first send a replacement! Don't forget to ask them to send pictures of the defective product so we can address the problem and try to prevent future defects with our manufacturer or warehouse.

* Typos, website mistakes etc - If a customer finds a mistake on our website or on a video, in an article, or newsletter - please thank them for helping us out!! Also ask them to forward its exact location to us, so we can fix it. Thankfully, they saved us a lot of work and headache by pointing out our mistake. Take care of them, offer a coupon or discount on a future purchase or a free bottle of product. 

* Return shipping cost - while we do not pay for return shipping fee's or typically provide return labels, when customers are adamant that they receive a return label the agent can let them know they'll escalate their ticket to our billing department to determine if we can make an exception to that rule. 

Coupons - CHVIP10 / 10%. and CHVIP20/ 20% can be given to customers - and have a one-time use. 

* FREE PRODUCT: In some cases a free product might serve the customer better. These are the products we prefer to offer for free:

DML - HydraGlo or CeraLift

SCS - D3 Shield or detoxithin

RME - AMPAlive, maybe Dermascreen while trying to deplete inventory but seek approval before offering. 

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