LL - Adjusting bottle quantity in Sticky.io

Sun Coast Sciences (SCS) VIP members have the option of choosing 1 bottle monthly ($44.95), 3 bottles quarterly ($119.70), or 6 bottles biannually ($199.97).

If they request to make a change to the bottle quantity they will receive their next refill and their order can be managed in Sticky.io:

1. From the Orders screen, search for that customer using their email address to pull up all approved or declined orders. 

2. Locate the order that has a Next Recurring Date and Next Recurring Product. 

3. Click on that Order ID to open the order. 

4. Once the page refreshes, you will be able to scroll down and find areas to make changes to the billing record. 

5. Scroll down until you find the Next Rebill Product: 

6. Click to open the menu with product options. 

7. Within this menu are options for all products. 

8. Once you are in the appropriate area for the product you want to change, you will want to choose the One Bottle Monthly Resupply, Three Bottle Resupply, or Six Bottle Resupply depending on what they want next. 

9. Once you have selected the correct next product, scroll down and hit Save. 

10. Sticky.io will refresh and their Next Recurring Product name will now reflect the change you made. 

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