LL - Inserting a link to our HelpDesk Docs

Training video - https://www.loom.com/share/08de652b0a4a48749aca345381df2731

We have 2 sites with public facing articles: 

Vitalifi https://vitalifi-help-desk.helpscoutdocs.com/

TSM https://the-social-man-help-desk.helpscoutdocs.com/

Our 3rd site - is for in-house use only and should not be inserted into public facing documents 


Locating the URL

Step by Step Process: 

  1. You'll need the URL to the site or article. 
  2. To find the URL visit the "docs" tab inside HelpScout
  3. Select the site or any collection in the site
  4. Once you are directed to that collection
  5. Click on the settings ICON (the gear icon) and select "Site Settings" 
  6. Next to Site Visibility click on "Visit Site" - this opens up the main site for viewing
  7. You can now retrieve the URL and where you need to. 
  8. At this point you can also find the URL for any article, which can then be inserted into documents, posts, saved replies etc. 
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