LL - TCP Timekeeping Responsibilities


This SOP outlines the responsibilities for managing timekeeping tasks, including leave approvals, sudden outages, missed punches, and time clock adjustments, to ensure accurate and efficient record-keeping.

**1. Approving Leave Requests:**

- **Manager Responsibilities:**

- Review and approve leave requests found in their TCP dashboard's Pending Time Off Requests widget or the Request Manager calendar as soon as possible.

- **Administrator Responsibility (Handled by Elana)**

- Process requests submitted less than two weeks in advance (which may show up in the Pending Time Off Requests for Manager Approval), including last-minute call-outs due to emergencies.

- Verify the accuracy of submitted request by consulting with the relevant employee and their manager if necessary.

- **HelpDesk Responsibilities (Handled by Pam):**

- Ensure accurate adjustments are reflected in the HelpDesk Agent Tracker system as needed.

**2. Handling Sudden Outages (e.g., illness, power/internet outages):**

- **Manager Responsibilities:**

- Review and tag emails found in the Attendance mailbox of HelpScout 

- **Administrator Responsibilities (Handled by Elana):**

- Manage and adjust the hours portion of the timekeeping records for sudden outages reported.

- **HelpDesk Responsibilities (Handled by Pam):**

- Ensure accurate adjustments are reflected in the HelpDesk Agent Tracker system.

- Verify the accuracy of submitted outage by consulting with the relevant employee and their manager if necessary.

**3. Missed Punches and Time Clock Adjustments:**

- **Manager Responsibilities:**

- Review and tag emails found in the Attendance mailbox of HelpScout.

- **Administrator Responsibilities (Handled by Elana):**

- Address and resolve missed punches and time clock adjustment requests.

- Verify the accuracy of submitted corrections by consulting with the relevant employee and their manager if necessary.

- Update the timekeeping system to reflect accurate records.

- **HelpDesk Responsibilities (Handled by Pam):**

- Ensure accurate adjustments are reflected in the HelpDesk Agent Tracker system as needed.


- Managers should escalate any complex or unclear cases to the HR Manager for resolution.

- Employees are responsible for promptly reporting missed punches, outages, or other timekeeping issues via email and Slack workflow.

- Regular audits will be conducted to ensure compliance with the timekeeping policies and accuracy of records.

- If an agent accrues enough attendance points to require a written warning, please contact Elana to receive a copy for said agent. This warning may change in language depending on what local laws must be followed.

**Contact Information:**

For questions or assistance with timekeeping issues, please contact Elana via Slack or at elana@theheroco.com

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