LL - RME SolvPath Notes

When you receive an email from SolvPath detailing a customer’s actions:
  1. Use Saved Reply NOTES - SolvPath Only: Please use the SR NOTES - SolvPath Only to document the customer’s actions and any necessary backend work. You can describe what the customer did in your own words, such as “self-refunded 14DMR” or “self-cancelled Radiant Life trial”.

  2. SI Notes: You do not need to include or copy SI notes unless you made changes that require noting.

  3. Manual Intervention: SolvPath cannot do certain things like removing accounts from MM. If a customer’s action requires manual intervention, we will receive a SolvPath ticket.

  4. Backend Work: If manual intervention is needed like removing MM/program access, please do so and add that into your notes under your actions.

  5. Supplement Orders: For supplement-related actions, include order details in your notes as well.
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