LL - Escalations Team: Cancel or Hold a shipment in PB

Escalations Team - Fulfillment Guidelines (PB)

To help mitigate overloading the FulFillment team, the Escalation Team will be able to cancel or hold shipments in PB. (JP urgent needs process will not change). Any action taken in PB should be noted clearly on the ticket (but not in the urgent channel as we don’t want to cause confusion or create inconsistency in the CH agent process).

In PB: 

  • Escalation agents can cancel orders in PB when they are in received status
    • Note cancel per customer request
  • Escalation agents can place orders on hold that are in received status 
    • Note why it is put on hold and ticket number

Video instruction: https://www.loom.com/share/a5431c68a4164574b213353bc5a6d2cf?sid=615bcd4a-4a4c-4a6b-b8b7-58dab6f779da

JP urgent ESCAL requests or other needs not covered by cancellation or hold of a shipment in PB: 

If there are urgent needs beyond canceling a shipment or placing a shipment on hold, 

Escalation team members should add the word ESCAL – in bold to your post in the urgent channel. Indicating it it an ESCAL will serve as a code word for the FC team to prioritize the request. (Please do not overuse this new process.Be mindful of the fulfillment team process - Normal reships, labels, etc will be done on first come first serve basis, unless the customer is highly escalated or this is good reason to ask the fulfillment team to prioritize the request). 

Sample post: 

Hello @Gretchen ESCAL – CB THREAT for cx name@msn.com could you please do xyz for order SCS-12345. Re: Ticket 112233 Thank you so much! 

The fulfillment team will priortize resolving this request upon seeing the word “ESCAL” in bold. 

Make sure and note it on the ticket as well. 

cc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1odxJpEdZ9BSrIJqn2mWflSfhy_CKP9K_4BFX9C5ixTg/edit?usp=sharing

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