LL - TSM - Login help

Account admin site - https://academy.thesocialman.com/wp-admin/admin.php?page=manage_members&module=members

There are three reasons someone would need login help. 

  • They ordered their first program and can’t find the Welcome email with their login details
  • They bought something new for their account and think they will get new login details
  • It’s been a while since they logged in and don’t remember how to log in

For someone who has ordered for the first time, we want to first look for the email and if needed go through the password reset function on the site. 

SR - Academy - Login Help - New Member (no new password)

Existing members who add a new program would only get new login details if they used a previously unused email address at checkout. 

SR - Academy - Login Help - Existing Member w/ New Order (no new password)

People who have previously logged in, or are reporting issues with the password reset feature, will benefit from a fresh password for their account. 

SR - Academy - Login Help - New Password

When sending someone a new password, have the email draft created before making changes to the account. This will allow you to see and then copy that password to paste it into the password change boxes (see below) which will not show you the text - only dots.

To set someone a new password, you will need to be logged into the TSM Academy management site: https://academy.thesocialman.com/wp-admin/admin.php?page=manage_members

  1. Enter the account email address in that search field, and tell it to Show Members. 
  2. Once you see the account listed below, click on the email address to enter the account. 
  3. Stay in the General tab and scroll down until you see the “New Password” and “Confirm Password” boxes. 
  4. You can either use a “simplified” password or one more secure. 
    1. For simplified passwords, still make it unique such as, “SocialMan-Name24!
    2. For more secure passwords, use https://www.random.org/passwords
  5. Once you have put the password in both boxes, scroll down and hit “Update Member” which will save the changes.  
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