LL - RME MM Account Creation

First, be sure you are logged into your admin account:


Next, hit the green "Create Member" button

In the Create Member pop-up, provide the First name, Last name, Email address, and a Password, then hit Create Member.

The Email address should be the same as their Order email address - This serves as their username for logging in.

If you want to use a "simplified" password to help them easily log in, many people choose something like RadiantFirstname23!

If you would like to set a Strong password, have this website generate one for you https://www.random.org/passwords

We always follow up in helpscout to provide the login details you just set for them, but they also receive a Welcome email containing the username and password you've just set.

Depending on what happened to make you need to create their account manually, you will need to select the correct SR.

Login - New Account After Typo

or should this be Programs - PayPal New Member Welcome

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