LL - TSM Login Checks during Black Friday

The 2023 Black Friday sale (Nov 18-21) puts a number of programs on sale and all but 2 include a 14-day free trial

Say Hello $33.50 + Superpowers trial

The Desire System $33.50 + Superpowers trial

HOW2TXTHER $33.50 + TSM Society trial

Lust $33.50 + TSM Society trial

Obsession Triggers $97.00 (noco)

Power Signals $97.00 (noco)

During this time, people may take advantage of multiple offer that include the same free trial. They might also purchase a program they've previously ordered!

Day 1 - In addition to looking them up in Kajabi, also look them up in SI.

If they have more than 1 active subscription of the same type, cancel the most recent.

It's okay that someone has 1 Superpowers and 1 TSM Society

If they have ordered a program previously purchased, void/refund that order and cancel any associated trial

Login = Yes AND you had to void or refund a program needs an email follow up.

Use SR = Duplicate Purchase - Refund Issued OR Duplicate Purchase - Void Issued


Login = No

If you had to void or refund a program, add that detail to the no login 1 email

If you cancelled a duplicate sub you do not need to mention this in the no login 1 email

Day 10 - If this was missed in Day 1, you may need to fix it now. Please do so and include that in your final email, whether it's a yes login or no login

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