LL - Admin Phone Line Check

Each phone line on the list should be called daily to ensure they connect and work properly.

If an agent answers your call, we know the line is connecting, but we don't know if our voicemail feature is working. Therefore, it is preferable that agents decline test calls to let them roll to VM.

  • Make sure to leave a VM on all lines that indicate a VM should be left.
  • Make sure to check the helpscout box for that brand to make sure your test voicemail arrived. If not, alert Lori.

The numbers to be called during the phone line check are included in the doc below, along with where to expect the call to end up.

  • During business hours (M-F 9a-5p cst) please contact Lori if there is an issue with any line.
  • Outside of business hours contact the host of the line (see contact information on the document).


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