LL - Gift Cards for Testimonials or Promo Winners
Gift Cards to use Anywhere:
If you want to send them an Amex Gift Card they can use anywhere (not specific to our storefront)
Add the information to this list and our accounting team will issue the GC. Also, please send Anne a slack message to let her know you've added a GC to the tracker. (@Anne)
(Make sure and let the customer know their GC will arrive by email) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1A_RsaZQDZxD0pYI8Ukz3bZFSQ9L_lNfcjZDJxg_QOa0/edit?usp=share_link
Gift Cards to use on our store only:
Creating a gift card to be used specifically in our store is easy!
View the tutorial video to learn how to create a gift card: https://www.loom.com/share/a9379dedca5e48c1896427ff39a0a4ec
To view/manage gift card details go to the Gift Up app here: https://giftup.app/
DML login: mail@delmarlaboratories.com pw: Af*RJesm4MxxC
SCS login: mail@suncoastsciences.com, PW: bmS2iK@i7w.Tq9b
Send a message similar to this:
Hi Tracy!
Thanks for your help with this! Here's your $100 GC to spend in the (BRAND) Store. It acts just like cash, so if you don't spend it all on your first visit, you'll have the balance to spend later. If you go over the GC balance you pay the difference. Simply, enter the code into the coupon/discount slot in the checkout area.