LL - Manager TCP management

TCP Attendance Form Responses: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RvVGdZ2C3Hz95-d0qkk6gy1bYGtbJcOywfjdc539SUw/edit?usp=sharing

Types of requests -

Leave request

Gets added to the Request Manager by the Manager of that agent: https://323632.tcplusondemand.com/app/manager/#/ManageRequests

Loom: Time off requests - Future date

Loom: Time off requests - Past date

Internet/Power issue

Must be reported in Viber - HelpDesk will clock out if it lasts 1 hour +

Must have proof of outage to be considered excused

Manager adds missed hour(s) as unpaid, PTO - regular, or PTO - reward

Loom: Adding time missed due to Internet/Power issue


Must be reported in Viber

Must submit ch-tcp-attendance form w/ how paid (or not) -

3 days or longer must include a doctor's note

Manager should add their away in the TCP Request Manager and alert HelpDesk

Loom: Adding time missed due to Illness

Time Clock adjustment (didn't clock in or out)

Managers can correct hours in Hours -> Individual Hours, Elana will make sure it's fixed

Make up time

Must be approved by the manager before taking, and must use CH Make Up as their job code during that time.

Missed Punches

They should be able to fix it themselves and those will show on your dashboard as a missed punch. You need to select the checkmark in that box to approve the exception and no changes are needed.

Conflicting Segments

There may be 2 shifts for a single day due to a technical glitch while clocking out. One can be deleted - Be sure to verify you are deleting the incorrect time in and out before doing so.


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