LL - Understanding Pitney Bowes Tracking

Once an order is released from Order Desk, the majority of the orders will ship from Pitney Bowes. You can find this in the "Sent to 3PL" tag in SS.

When Pitney receives this into their system, they determine which warehouse will fill and ship the order by the customer's address and the inventory level of the SKU being shipped.

When the order is marked shipped it is assigned a tracking number.

When you want to track that shipment, simply click the tracking and it will take you to the tracking landing page for Heroco that will show all movements on the package once marked shipped. Click on "SHOW ALL" to get the full "story" of the shipment.

PB will keep the package in their possession and move it from the PB facility to the next until it gets the closest to the destination before handing it off to USPS for delivery.  It is important to understand this to explain to customers.  An example is below:

There is also a USPS Tracking link that shows the same info:

Must expand tracking to see details

You will see the same information as the Heroco landing page

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