LL - Communication with Managers

When power or internet outages happen, or something comes up while you are away from your computer, you will find yourself unable to send a message to your manager via Slack. Our team uses a texting app called Viber to message one another when this happens. It's available for both iOS platforms for free.


Once you have the app downloaded, please send Elana a message there so you can be added as a contact. 

She will then be adding you to our group message to ensure everyone is connected. You can send messages to this group, or find your manager to save as a contact so you can message them privately. 

Her phone number is 1-512-659-9234 or you can use the QR code below - open the camera on your phone and point it to the code on your computer screen. Then follow the link it finds to add her.

Please then go to this tab of the CHO to add your phone number next to your name and indicate you have Viber. (This is a link to go directly to the Team Phone Numbers tab)


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