LL - SCS Better Business Bureau positive review campaign
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To help us get or keep our BBB rating up, we’ll periodically be offering a freebie to the customers who submit positive reviews in exchange for also leaving us a positive review on our BBB page.
What do you need to do? Just as we normally do, when you receive a positive review ticket in HelpScout, you’ll reply with the positive review saved reply.
That saved reply has been updated to ask the customer to ALSO submit a positive review on the BBB site.
It asks them to email us back once they submit the BBB review to let us know.
Once they email back their confirmation, you will send the saved reply titled: “1 Review - Positive Results - Submitted BBB review”, of course, make sure to take care of any service issues that may be included and then assign the email to Lori in active status.
She’ll confirm their review on the BBB site and arrange for their free product to be shipped.
Upon receiving a positive review send this saved reply:
[SUBJECT: Thank you for your Sun Coast Sciences review!]
Hey {%customer.firstName,fallback=%}!
Thanks for the awesome review you sent in! I am so happy to hear that (PRODUCT) is exactly what you expected it to be. It definitely warms my heart reading your comments and I hope you keep us updated on your progress.
First, as promised, here's the 20% off discount code for your next purchase. Just enter this code: THANKS20 during your next checkout in the Sun Coast Sciences Store.
Next, since you are loving your results, we'd love to send you a free bottle in exchange for leaving us a positive review on our Better Business Bureau page.
Once you submit your review reply back to this email to let me know and I will arrange to have your freebie shipped! go HERE to leave BBB feedback .
{%customer.firstName,fallback=%}, thanks again for being a loyal customer. We sincerely appreciate you sharing your thoughts.I am an email away if there is anything further I can do for you!
If they email back and say they left a BBB review, send this reply, then assign the ticket to LORI in an active status.
saved reply: “1 Review - Positive Results - Submitted BBB review”
Hi {%customer.firstName,fallback=%}!
Wow, thanks for submitting a positive review on our BBB page! We sincerely appreciate you taking the time to do that.
Please give us 3-5 business days to confirm your review and then we'll ship out your freebie! You'll receive a shipping confirmation at {%customer.email,fallback=%} once it leaves our warehouse.
Thanks again, {%customer.firstName,fallback=%}.Have a wonderful day!