LL - Helping a customer with multiple declined orders

If a customer contacts us and says they can’t get their order to go through we see that it has declined more than once - follow these steps in this order (1, 2, then 3). 

If in Sticky (SI) - check the reason for the decline in the notes at the bottom (there is a separate article concerning the reasons orders decline). 

  1. Confirm the customer card info by phone (maybe there is something wrong).
  2. Offer to place the order with them over the phone.
  3. Suggest the customer contact their bank if you have confirmed their information is correct and attempted to place another order. 
  4. Please refer to the CHO Sheet for Sticky.io's decline reason and the next steps to proceed with your customer's order. See the link below:
    1. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1LDPN29HXofGAHzDQfTRp9IoAEWUkev533PNcEJTNX_g/edit?pli=1&gid=491461886#gid=491461886
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