LL - RME Facebook FAQ's
Social Media Moderation Plan: Marina will take an active role in monitoring her pages but customer support will be needed in the following areas:
1 - CH Monitoring of Ads:
- Hide/Delete insults: this includes swear words, profanity, bashing others/marina/the program, name calling, people posting other products or directing people to other websites.
- Video is too long complaints: “we appreciate your time so we have sent you short cut by DM” - we will send them the link to the sales page via messenger.
- When you send the video via PM please reply to marina will see that it has been taken care of
- Signed up but didn’t get a login - let them know they can contact customer support at (email)
- Customer service related comments/questions - offer assistance by posting information. If it’s order related let them know you’ll contact them by email to help out. (same as our health brands)
2- In the Facebook Group:
It's OK to approve people once you’ve confirmed their order has been placed.
3 - CH Reply to Messenger Inbox Requests: (provide assistance on customer support related topics) like:
- Signed up but didn’t get a login - offer assistance by posting information.
- Customer service related comments/questions - offer assistance by posting information.
- Video is too long complaints: “we appreciate your time so here’s the link type of reply
- Questions from the FAQ's below
- After you reply to a messenger question please mark it as DONE so it clears the inbox.
***Note: If there is a messenger question about something that isn't covered in the faq list below, or with helpscout saved replies (like in depth (fitness/diet related) and Marina doesn’t reply in messenger within 24 hours during the week, or on over the entire weekend if it arrives on a weekend, then feel free to email her and let her know the question is there. Something like: Hi Marina! Just wanted to let you know there’s a question pending in facebook messenger from (name) that says: “customer question” ..I’m not quite sure how to answer it. Can you help?
4 - Comments on the actual facebook page: Marina says she rarely posts on her actual page and when she does there typically aren’t any negative comments. It’s ok to check this and if you see something negative hide it, but she will take care of responding to any positive comments or interaction needed in this area.
FAQ's for messenger:
Provide the Facebook Video Link: https://fb.watch/bhhrmy0xRU/
Provide the 14 Day metabolism reset info page link: https://www.the14dayreset.us
Provide the 14 day metabolism reset quiz link: https://www.the14dayreset.us/quiz
Q: I just purchased the Reset and want to get started but can’t log in or didn’t receive any other info? How do i see the recipes and videos?
- A: All of the info should arrive at the email you used when placing an order. If not please check your spam folder. You can also reach out to the customer service team and they’ll make sure to get you all the info: mail@radiant.me
Q: Do the workouts focus on upper and lower body or just core?
- A: Most of the workouts will work the full body. They will feel more lower body intense but you will still be working your upper body and core at the same time!
Q; Are the exercises ok for me if I have physical limitations or illnesses?
- A; I’d love to say yes, but I’m not a doctor, so I definitely recommend checking with your doctor before starting any program, just to make sure.
Q: Is your business local?
- A: We are entirely online. You can visit our website here (LINK).
Q: Can I do only the meal plan if I’m unable to exercise at the moment?
- A: The meals and workouts were designed to go together for better results. Does that mean you can’t/shouldn’t do just the meal part? Absolutely not! You are more than welcome to do just the meal plan.Then when you are able to exercise you can do both together. Remember you can do the reset as often as you’d like!
Q: I have ( a lot of specific) questions about the reset:
- A: Click the “learn more” button under the video to see all of the details about the reset and answers to frequently asked questions!
Q: I gave birth/nursing or had a C section recently - is this safe for me?
- A: We have a lot of new moms who have done the reset and had amazing results, however, I always recommend checking with your doctor and getting clearance to work out before starting any program.
Q: Does the meal plan have vegetarian or vegan options?
- A: The reset is not vegetarian/vegan but we do have quite a few members who are. They simply sub any animal protein for plant based options. I have recently included vegetarian recipes though.
Q: Does the meal plan include gluten free options?
- A: In the 14-Day Metabolism Reset, there are very few recipes that have gluten in them, and you're encouraged to use your favorite gluten-free replacement.
Q: Is the reset safe during pregnancy?
- A: The Reset is 100% natural but I wouldn’t recommend
- 1) doing core exercises during pregnancy (specially 2 and 3 trimester).
- 2) starting high intensity (HIIT) workouts if you didn’t do them before you got pregnant ( as in your body wasn’t used to them).
- 3) starting any program without checking with your health practitioner first.
Q: Questions about the meal plan?
- A: The best and fastest place to get help is within my private community on facebook. Make sure you join in there as a lot of people have the same questions and a lot of them already know the answers since they’ve been members for a while.
Q: Can I see an example of the 1 day meal?
- A: Absolutely a sample day would be:
- - mini egg muffins
- - ground turkey lettuce wraps
- - one pan chicken and veggies
- I hope this helps!
Q - I can't/don’t like _______? What can I substitute it with?
- A - Make sure to read the 14 Day Reset e-book entirely before starting. Towards the end of the book there is a FAQ section and a Substitutions section that will help you a lot.In general, you are always welcome to modify the reset to your liking. You can substitute a protein for another, or a vegetable for another. But please check all of the details in the Reset e-book and if there's anything else you need help with, let us know.
Q - Can I do this with intermittent fasting?
A: I love IF and do it quite often honestly! You are welcome to do it during the reset, but you have to make sure you are all the calories within your eating window. The reset is pretty lean so I wouldn’t want you to cut a meal (calories and nutrients wise)
Shortened versions of saved replies in help scout can also be used.
Q: How can I read testimonials?
A: Click the “learn more” button under the video to learn more about the reset, including testimonials and frequently asked questions! Go here: https://fb.watch/bhhrmy0xRU/