LL - High Value Order Verification Process


High Value Order Verification Process (currently Gretchen is the only person approved to do High $ verifs. If you need an order to be verified please contact  Gretchen for instruction). 

  • High value orders are identified as any order that is $550 or more & more than 12 bottles of any product/s. 
  • Goal: Contact the customer to verify the order is correct (that the customer meant to order as much as they did) and that we have the correct address in order to avoid a delivery issue which will result in customer frustration, a loss of inventory, or a refund or chargeback. It’s also a good time to let them know if we are sending their order with a signature required at delivery to make sure their large order gets to them safely. While sometimes, we may find a high value order is fraudulent upon verification, most aren’t, so we want to approach the customer in a friendly/helpful way: “It’s a lot of money & a lot of product and we want to make sure your order is correct and gets to you safely - we appreciate you!”  
  • For example if we receive an order for $1000 worth of product, things to consider are: the customer might have inadvertently accepted an upsell, they may be unaware they placed a product on a subscription, or maybe someone else has used their card to make the large purchase and it’s being shipped somewhere other than their home, or there may be an address issue which will cause a delivery problem. Contacting them is a way to help prevent issues for everyone involved (them and us) ie; inventory loss, customer frustration, chargebacks or even fraud in some cases. It’s also a way to build rapport and provide WOW service.

NOTE: High value orders over $550 are identified only because their $ amount is over an amount that we pre-determined ($550). 

  • Orders placed in shopify are scanned by the fraud filter app and will be placed on hold (archived) inside Shopify when the order meets or exceeds $550 or more than 12 bottles. Once the order is verified you should unarchive it, so that it will move to ShipStation - or to be refunded. 
  • Orders with a high dollar amount are not necessarily considered “fraudulent”, unless Shopify has also flagged them as a med-high fraud risk. 
  • If a high value order is also identified by Shopify as med-high risk, please refer to the Fraud Process SOP for next steps. 
  • Orders placed in SI, will be sent to ShipStation, and will be identified by a filter in ShipStation which will place orders with a value of more than $550 on hold automatically in SS in order to be verified. 
Verifying high value orders (those not flagged as med/high fraud risk):
    1. Here is the video for how to unarchive orders in Shopify https://www.loom.com/share/f52a0b69c83949a5903938842d443621
  1. Check the tasks/tickets daily for verifications. 
    1. If the customer does not reply within the 5 day period / or the order cannot be verified, the Fulfillment Coordinator will be responsible to track these and cancel/refund the order. 
      1. Make sure to check the order database and cancel any subscriptions associated with this order. 
      2. Email the customer cancel/refund confirmation. 
      3. Notate the HS ticket with the order id, the customer didn’t verify, and your actions.
        1. Use Note Format: DML {%conversation.number%} SE 
        2. High $ Value Order Verification for Order # DML- xxxxxxx
        3. What actions did you take?
        4. Any other actions that need to be taken?
        5. Example: DML 749412 SE / High $ Value Order (Order # DML-35203) Previously placed on hold to verify, has now been cancelled/refunded because it’s been more than 5 days with no contact from the customer. Shipment cancelled in (SS or PB).

High Dollar Value Verif Email Template: 

Subject: Information needed to ship your order # Order id

Hi Cynthia,

I'm writing to thank you for the order you placed on 12/31 and to let you know that due to the size of your order, it has been placed on HOLD, so we can verify that the contents are correct, and that we have your best shipping address.

Please review your order information below and reply back to me within 5 days to confirm your order & address so we can get it shipped out to you.

Your order contains:

  • BioShield MD - 12 Bottles with a Free Pulse Oximeter
  • DetoxiThin - 3 Bottles
  • FloraThin - 3 Bottles

You listed your shipping address as:

cynthia rogers-van gundy

215 shorebird circle redwood city, CA 94065 US

Cynthia, thanks again for your order. 

I'm looking forward to hearing back from you so we can process your order for shipment.

Should you have any questions, I'm happy to help!

High Dollar Value Verif Voice Message: 

Hello, this is (NAME) calling from (BRAND) about the order you placed on (DATE). First, thank you so much for your order. We really appreciate it. The reason I’m calling is that due to the size of your order, I need to verify that the contents of your order are correct, and that we have your best shipping address before we release it to be shipped. Since I've missed you today, I’ve sent an email to you at (customer email address) - All you need to do is reply to the email within 5 days to confirm that the contents of your order & address are correct, so I can get your order shipped out to you! Should any changes need to be made, simply note them in your email reply and we'll take care of them. Thank you for choosing SunCoast Sciences, I look forward to hearing back from you soon. Good bye. 

Call Next - CH TEAM Actions:
If a Verif call is added to the call next box the CH Agent should
Call the customer 1x, and leave a voicemail if not available.
  1. If the customer answers and verifies the order, place a note and assign the ticket to The FC Team so the order can be updated and the hold in SS can be removed/ order can be fulfilled.
  2. Before reassigning change the subject line to Address - Verified  (Fraud Order Verified, Address Verified, etc)
  3. If the order cannot be verified during the call, reassign the ticket to the FC Team who is responsible for the final cancel&refund of the order and any related subscriptions. Along with emailing the customer a confirmation/notating.
  4. FYI remove the call next tag before reassigning to the FC team.
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