LL - Health Partner Program SOP

Health Brands - Health Partner Program Standard Operating Procedure 

The Health Partner program is specifically for medical doctors, chiropractors, naturopaths, massage therapists, health food store owners, or other healthcare practitioners who would like to stock our products for retail in their physical stores, offices, or spas. 

They will not be allowed to offer any type of online sales, either through a personal or business website, social media account, or any other 3rd party site (eBay, Amazon, Walmart, etc.). In order to protect the value of our product, all approved partners should use pricing which is no less than our listed retail price (this is the single bottle price as listed on our website). Instances of selling online or at prices lower than our retail price may result in their account being canceled and/or other legal actions.

Requests will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and reviewed by Pam.

Note: Requests from online-only sellers are immediately declined - Here is an example: # 727171. These tickets should be tagged as "wholesale" so our fulfillment specialist can add them to our store fraud filters. 

The CH team should be on the lookout for these types of requests and assign them to PAM. 


View the tutorial video: https://www.loom.com/share/3c3697f2991943419737124d387a6bf4

  1. Receive the request 
    1. Determine if the customer is an online reseller or an actual health practitioner with a physical location.
    2. Assign reseller inquiries - to Pam, no need to reply. Change the subject line to “reseller inquiry”. Update the customer record in HS and run the eCommerce workflow which sends a reply, notes the ticket, and assigns it to a member of the team who adds their information to our fraud filter.
    3. For health practitioners - if you have enough of their contact information to do a preliminary google search/check to see if they sell products on their website or social media then do that at this time. If not, you can still send the application and we'll get their info once it's submitted. 
  2. Do your research - the preliminary check:
    1. First google search their name and/or clinic name, website, etc. 
    2. Look for websites and social media pages.
    3. Are there any products listed for sale on their website or social media?
    4. Verify their office/spa phone and address to ensure they own a legit business. 
      1. Do they have a physical office location?
      2. Does everything match the contact info they have given you?
      3. If you reverse search their office address and phone number what are the results?
    5. Once you have done the preliminary check (above) and determined they seem legit, you're ready to send the introduction letter which includes the health partner application. Note: If they don’t seem legit you will decline them. Lori is available to give a 2nd opinion if you are unsure.
  3. Send them the ( health partner - application) - Saved Reply in HS. This saved reply contains the intro letter, links to the application, terms & conditions, agreement, and price sheet. (it contains everything they need to apply).
    1. After you send the Saved reply w/the intro letter/application access the health practitioner info folder in google drive and add the applicant information to the “Application Sent” tab on the appropriate brand tracker (DML or SCS). This will allow you to who you’ve sent applications in order to do appropriate follow-up. 
      1. DML Tracker/ “Application sent” tab: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1lya-lSzeB8GX7rSBr5OSUxUVZewyEDAU_viKKeFJ-Uc/edit?usp=sharing
      2. SCS Tracker“Application sent” tab:  tab:https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10KYiAnLVeoOfq8KiYLOktSR_4uF1ahBER6YP6w0zHuk/edit?usp=sharing
      3. Note: once they fill out the application and submit it, SCS Health Partner Application/Terms&Conditiotheir information will be received on the Application Received tab of this same tracker. You will need to make it a habit to check the document for new entries. 
      4. Other docs included: 
      5. ns/Agreement- https://forms.gle/rK6ag9rxobuzWcb16
        1. SCS Price List 
        2. DML Health Partner Application/Terms&Conditions/Agreement- https://forms.gle/odtRxrT9gKTbHtZg7
        3. DML Price List 
  4. Place a call to the practitioner to go over the agreement and rules about online selling as well as build rapport. 
    1. During your call, you'll want to set appropriate expectations by explaining that once you receive their signed agreement back, we'll verify all their information is correct and if so, issue an approval. Once approved, they can place an order. If they know how many bottles they want, you can gather that at this time, with the understanding that you won't send an invoice until approval has been issued. This will all be outlined in your email too.  
    2. Note the HS ticket with details of your conversation and add the tag "health partner application" (this tag allows us to track the email tickets containing applications you've sent out).
      1. Once you approve the application, you’ll remove this tag and add the “approved health partner” tag.
  5. Check the trackers on a daily basis for completed applications.
  6. Once they return their agreement:
    1. Make sure it is signed. This will come in the form of an uploaded document. We must have a handwritten signature to approve them. 
    2. Do a final check of their information (in case they've listed any alternate websites, social media pages, addresses, or phone numbers, etc). 
    3. If everything checks out, we will approve them. If anything appears strange or you suspect they sell online, we will decline them. 
  7. Once approved, you can email them the "approved" saved reply.
    1. Use the Help Scout saved reply: health partner - approved instructions
    2. Note the ticket that they’ve been approved, 
    3. Remove the “health partner application” tag, and add the tag: "approved health partner". 
    4. Update the tracker that they’ve been approved. 
    5. Thorough tracking allows us to do periodic spot checks of their websites and social platforms to make sure they aren't selling online.   
  8. Send an invoice:
    1. Send their invoice from Shopify like this:   https://www.loom.com/share/604550528923414689b171e3e09d741c 
      1. Create a new order (if they want more than 24 bottles please notify Lori). 
      2. Select the single bottle option, then change the quantity to the number of bottles they want. Remember that we have a 12-bottle minimum of the same product. (12 BME, 12 Omega, etc). 
      3. Either enter the % discount listed on the price list (or if the partner received a different special price you can multiply the number of bottles they want by their promised per-bottle price. 
        1. (Example: 28.50 x 12 bottles) - this is how much they should pay for their total order.
        2. Subtract that number from the total, then enter that amount as your discount.
  9. Fill out their information in Zoho CRM completely, adding a tag for  Health Practitioner - Brand Initials. (example: Health Practitioner - SCS) like this: https://www.loom.com/share/baf0c343c52f4c66aebc0de711292c22
  10. Set a Zoho task to check on them in 30 days to see how they are doing.
    1. Ask if they need to place a new order. 
    2. Check their websites for online selling every 30 days. 
  11. How to place a re-order via invoice:https://www.loom.com/share/604550528923414689b171e3e09d741c
  12. How to add the shipping fee correctly:https://www.loom.com/share/d9f9c27ffd4d4877af7aea913b6ec055
    1. Start the order then select "Browse" to add your product 
    2. Add any necessary discounts
    3. Click add shipping
    4. After clicking "Add shipping, check the "custom" option then type in the word "standard" as the "Rate name".
    5. Now add in the shipping fee of $9.95.

Email the agreement: (saved reply: health partner - application) and add the tag: health partner application

Hi {%customer.firstName,fallback=%},

Thank you for your interest in Sun Coast Sciences and your recent inquiry about offering BioShield to your patients!  

We recently launched our Health Partner Program and I've included a link to the application below. Our program allows approved Health Practitioners to retail Sun Coast Sciences VitaCell+ (formerly BioShield+) or BioShield MD right from their office or physical location, directly to their clientele.

The program offers a 365-day buy-back guarantee and our minimum order of either product is 12 bottles, with a maximum of 24 bottles. Orders of more than 24 bottles are reviewed on a case-by-case basis. The cost is $28.50 per bottle which is 43% off our retail price of $49.95. A shipping fee of $9.95 will be added to your invoice.

Online sales of BioShield (or any SunCoast product) are not allowed either through a personal or business website, any type of social media account, or any other 3rd party site (like eBay, Amazon, Walmart, Etsy, etc.). In order to protect the value of our product, all approved health partners should use pricing which is no less than our listed retail price, which can be viewed in our store. Instances of selling online or selling at lower prices than our listed retail price can result in your account being canceled and/or other legal actions.

HERE (Add link to their personalized contract from google drive - made viewable to them (not editable)) you will find the Sun Coast Sciences Health Partner Terms & Agreement with Application. Please complete the forms and return them signed via email to me by replying to this email.

Once we have reviewed your application and verified your business, we will contact you regarding your approval status.

Once you are approved, just let us know how many bottles you'd like and we will send you an invoice to pay for your purchase through our online shopping cart. 

Then each time you need to replenish your supply you can email me and I'll send you a new invoice. 

Thanks again for your interest, {%customer.firstName,fallback=%}. If you have any questions, please let me know!


Once approved you will send them an email and give them a call in regards to their approval.  

(use saved reply: health partner - approved instructions) add the tag: approved health partner

Hi {%customer.firstName,fallback=%}, 

Thanks for returning your health partner application & agreement not to sell our product via any online source. I'm writing to let you know that we've approved your Sun Coast Sciences Health Partner Account.

Congratulations & Welcome! 

I have emailed you a separate invoice for XX bottles of (PRODUCT) to (EMAIL). Your price is $28.50 per bottle + $9.95 shipping. 

Once you complete the invoice your order will be on its way -- And, each time you need to replenish your supply, just shoot me an email and let me know how many bottles you want (or save this email and reply here) and I'll send you a new invoice for your order. 

Thanks again {%customer.firstName,fallback=%}, I truly appreciate you choosing Sun Coast Sciences and I'm looking forward to working with you to support your patients with their natural health care needs. 

Please let me know if you have any questions.

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