LL - Handling Unsubscribe Request Process
Step 1 - Evaluate the ticket. If a customer asks to be unsubscribed from our mailings, first take care of any other customer service needs included in their request and email them to confirm their request is resolved. If there are no other needs, you can simply run the workflow and move on.
Pro tip: You should always make your ticket notation before running a workflow.
Step 2 - Running the Unsubscribe Request Workflow: Click to open the "unsubscribe request" workflow at the top of the ticket.
- Selecting "Y" will add a tag “email unsub”, copy the email into a folder “*Unsubscribe requests” and will make a note that the customer needs to be removed from mailings. It will then assign the ticket to a member of our team who will be responsible for unsubscribing the customer in either Klaviyo or Maropost depending on where the email they received originated from.
- The note says:
Brand - {%conversation.number%} - AutoNote
Actions to be taken:
- Remove the customer from all mailing lists.
- If the customer requested to be unsubscribed please email them a confirmation.
- If the customer did not request to be unsubbed but is being removed as the result of a sub cancel or refund - you do not need to notify them that they've been removed from mailings.
Workflow image:
Note: If the customer has another request (refund, order adjustment, fulfillment inquiry, etc.) that request should be taken care of first, your ticket should be noted clearly, and indicate in your note that the Fulfillment Coordinator or Refund team member should run the unsub workflow after they’ve completed their part.
If this was a Radiant Me member who got a full refund and account closure, the Unsubscribe agent will then assign the ticket to the RME Group Admin team in Active status to perform a Facebook group audit for removal. (If this was not done prior)
Unsub agent actions -
Remove the customer from any mailings
Note your actions
Send customers who specifically request to unsubscribe the following confirmation email.
(FYI this is set up on a manual workflow - here’s how to use it: https://www.loom.com/share/836ac7d0667740f789472232d572e0e6
Hi {%customer.firstName,fallback=%},
I’m writing to confirm that your email "{%customer.email,fallback=%}" has been removed from our mailing list.
Please allow up to 7 business days for emails to completely stop.
If your original email contained a different customer service need you'll receive a separate email in regard to that.
We appreciate your interest in {%mailbox.name%} and will be here to support you should you need us.
Take care & we'll miss you!!
FYI: The ticket will be automatically closed and assigned to Anyone.
cc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1E4QOBJ02zvAKKfMiobmOuRnUkNOEZZ6yU3sfkJOMgAY/edit?usp=sharing