LL - How to process Data Erasure Requests

Our Privacy Policy for our brands allows us to use customer information for the purpose of processing and fulfilling orders. The customer agrees to the terms of the privacy policy by making a purchase. 

Here is a sample privacy policy: https://delmarlaboratories.com/privacy-policy/

When you receive a request for erasure of data we will remove the customer from our email lists in Klaviyo as a first step.

However, order and transaction history will be retained (and is secure and encrypted). 

Steps upon receiving a request: 

1. Automatic workflow will run sending a reply

2. TSM customers will assign to Elana who will unsubscribe the customer from the email list (klaviyo) 

3. HB customers will assign to Lori who will unsubscribe the customer from Klaviyo. 

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